Lost Continent Leftovers | Inside Universal Forums

Lost Continent Leftovers

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
I know a lot of people are upset that a certain wizard is moving in and taking over. So what would you like to see happen with what's left of LC?
I'm just pissed about that whole thing. LC was the only island not based off a movie/TV/ books etc.m excluding POE with no attractions. I think they should give Potter a little less land, maybe a new show where Sinbad is now, are they keeping the fountain, I love that thing?
Keep Dueling Dragons, Mythos, the well, the unique shops, and the awesomely themed entrance to and around Poseidon. Poseidon itself can go, and the stone head actually looks a little bit like the one from which the Basilisk came out of in the Chamber of Secrets (hint, hint). In fact, I would like it if they could keep the LC as it is and instead expand the park. I don't know how tight room is there, though.
Lost Continent is my favorite island, I would hate to see it go so much. They better keep Dueling Dragons and the awesomly themed Poseiden.
I bet it will be essentially the same, except in the queue you will hear Dumbledore's voice instead of that of a generic Merlin. As long as they don't make it something cheesy like "Dueling Broomsticks", I'm fine with these little tweaks.
im really excited to see potterworld come. its a great fit. yes i know lc was original...but then again...was it? everyone knows that this land is suppoed to be beastly kingdom. the imagineers working on animal kingdom were let go and helped make this island. so it only makes sense to be creative.

also - potter seems to be a great fit to the entire place. we all know what a house looks like...but a new coat of paint and a set of decorations can make a great haunted house. i really think that universal wont drop the ball on maing happy potters world the same.
I'm sure I'll love it, but it'll bring in all the weirdos with BO, the island will probably be WAY over crowded, you'll also get a lot of whiny babies, most likely whinier then the ones there now for not being able to go on Dragons.
^yeah, probably. :lol:

Anyways, I guess I agree with some of you guys. like kirby, I hope they don't change it to something cheesy or something without any imagination put into it like the rest of LC. I never got to ride Dueling Dragons (the regular version) and I hope I can have a chance to go before the transformation is complete.
I want Dragons, Unicorn, and Mythos to stay. The theming can change for the rides, but I really don't want any changes to Mythos except to bring back the awesome desserts and get rid of those damn shooters.

They can get rid of the stupid, dreadful, unwatchable Sinbad show. Does anyone ever actually see this? I mean, I'll watch almost anything to see hunky, half-dressed men, but this show is so bad even that doesn't make it worthwhile.

A few years ago, I would have been very unhappy if Poseiden had been done away with; then they went and changed it and totally ruined the show. I don't care what they do with it, although it is a nice queue to be in when it's hot outside.
They can get rid of the stupid, dreadful, unwatchable Sinbad show. Does anyone ever actually see this?

Even after working there a year I've only seen this show a couple times and it was pretty bad, although it did have a lot of pyro which is fun. My 6 and 8 year olds love it though but usually I just drop the convenient parent lie and say "oh, it's not running today guys." :genie:
They can get rid of the stupid, dreadful, unwatchable Sinbad show. Does anyone ever actually see this? I mean, I'll watch almost anything to see hunky, half-dressed men, but this show is so bad even that doesn't make it worthwhile.

I like Sinbad... :look: Maybe they could at least salvage the stage becuase that thing is bad ass. Theres gotta be one band out there that would love to use that as a backdrop for live shows.
once they take it out, beastly kingdome can come in, so BYE BYE LC! lol jk

of all the islands I wanted to visit this was the one, hopefully I can make my first visit to IOA before they destory the lost continent.
yea that would xD
but it sucks that they're taking out some of the stuff they are.
it should be fun at what they're adding though.
we'll see when its finally done...