Hey guys and gals!
I'm currently at Cedar Point (staying at an on site hotel) and wanted to let you know about my trip so far. I'll continue more of it as the week progresses as well.
Yesterday my friend and I drove from Niagara Falls to Sandusky Ohio and although we got lost a little along the way, we eventually made it to the park with 3 hours to spare. We immediately headed to the park and were excited to see so many people leaving the park, meaning less lines for us!
The first ride we hit up was Raptor (a B&M inverted coaster). This was a great introductory coaster with a lot of speed! Although the ride time is about the same as the Hulk, it felt so much longer than any coaster I had ever been on before. Every time I thought we were almost done, it just kept going.
At one point we pulled into a section with what I assumed was going to be a brake run but nope, we just kept sailing though!
I enjoyed this one a lot and will definitely be trying it out again today.
Next we headed over to the Power Tower. My friend isn't a fan of tower rides and because there was no wait, I hopped on the launch tower with zero wait time :smiley:
Then we saw it. Top. Thrill. Dragster.
Oh boy, this thing is a beauty! We were debating riding it last night but decided we would save it for today!
Can't wait! :thumbs:
We went on Corkscrew next and were slightly disappointed when we realized how short it was. A loop and two corkscrews :look:
Definitely not Cedar Point's crown jewel, however the ride op was hilarious. I think his name was Tok
Next we got in line for Magnum XL-200 but quickly realized it was down for the time being. We'll hit it up today...
We walked around until we saw Gemini, which is actually a wood/steel hybrid!
I was curious as to what this ride would be like, assuming it would be smoother than a normal woody. It was and it wasn't...
Most of it was smooth, however there were some rough moments where my back would slam into the seat.
Our final ride of the day was Maverick. Guys, this coaster is AMAZING! I'm not sure if it's just because I had no idea what to expect, or if the darkness of the night made it scarier, but this ride was so intense. It's FAST, it's LONG, and it's SCARY! Right from the start you have a lift hill, but it actually uses LIM's to launch you over the hill and into the first drop at 95 degrees. That first portion had me screaming with excitement and it just kept getting better. I swear the ride just got gradually faster with every turn. I had to try and keep my mouth shut because of the bugs, but at some points I just couldn't help but scream!
I'm quite certain this is my new favourite coaster, but I'll ride it again today before confirming that.
Can't wait to ride some more coasters today! I'll tell you all about it when I get home.