Dawn of the Planet of The Apes - Holy C--p reactions.
This film was one of my most anticipated films of the summer right next to Xmen DoFP and I was starting to get even more excited due to things
I've heard from people that saw it before the film got released and then when I watched it today... Holy C--p. this is for right now,
my favorite film of the year. I'm going to bring up the human characters quickly, I thought they we're done VERY well as Support actors and
my favorite of them is Jason Clarke as he really is a glimmer in Ceasars eyes and was done about perfect.. Now onto the Apes. First off this is
the most realistic Ape CGI and dear god, at times I couldn't even tell if Maurice was even a CGI model that's how good it is. besides that,
Andy Serkis deserves a god-d**n Oscar nomination for this as his role of Ceasar is just un-forgettable but my reason to why I think Serkis
should get a nomination is due to Toby Kebbell as he is my second favorite character in the film as he is a very unique type of villan, sure
the character is Bats--t crazy but why is that one moment he can be playful but then once he gets ahold of a gun and starts becoming human,
the more i'm conflicted about the character. The only nitpick is that Gary Oldman is underused and that's just me. Besides that, Dawn of the
Planet of The Apes is the one film that you don't take kids under 9 due to the Violence but the story is one of the best so far this year.