We have created review threads for all the lands and some of the most anticipated attractions for Epic Universe.
Some things to keep in mind for these threads.
1. There will be SPOILERS!
2. The threads are created to share reviews & experiences. We understand that some side chatter may occur, but please keep it to a minimum.
3. In an effort to not overwhelm the threads, we ask for the time being - you only share photos that you have taken. Sharing video links from others is fine.
4. A good rule of thumb to use is "If it's a spoiler, post it here". Second-hand Reviews should be posted in the general thread (i.e., I heard from a TM, etc.). Links to spoiler reviews, however, can be shared here.
We're not opposed to feedback and suggestions, as this is the first time we've handled the opening of a new theme park.
Thank you!