Fast & Furious: Supercharged/Nighttime Studio Tour | Page 22 | Inside Universal Forums

Fast & Furious: Supercharged/Nighttime Studio Tour

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Don't try to over complicate the concept. Think on simpler terms.
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How do you simplify it yet make it practical? The way I'm picturing it, it defeats the whole purpose of having a massive Soundstage with a huge wrap around screen. What exactly would be the point of this? Each tram car is very close to each other. If a screen drops in between each, how would you project on the screen? No room for a projector. *shrug* I give up.
Oh geez .....Horizons... I remember that ride (which makes me feel old lol). I only got to ride it once maybe twice, but I'm pretty sure that it was better than Mission Space which I find boring..

I'm really curious to see how this attraction is executed compared to KONG 360, which as I said before, I find to be awful. I feel like this will be better due to it being driving-based instead of animals fighting. Clearly there will be a helicopter involved in the ride-film because we see one in the promo artwork, but also in the one bts image of Vin Diesel hanging on a bar guided across a track.
One thing that I don't like about Kong 360 is how the tram abruptly stops before the animation starts. It feels unnatural. I wonder if F&F will have type of blending effect where the simulator base in the main showroom moves when the driver slows down to create a seamless transition from driving to simulator. Also, according to the photo that Zero56 posted a page ago, how long will the preshow be? What happens if trams get backed up before the preshow? Just some questions to ponder upon.
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^ That's impossible, as the driver has to stop in the exact designated spot for the simulation to begin, as there are different gimbals for the different tram cars, same as in Earthquake. That's just the nature of having an animation with a massive tram vehicle.

My only hopes for F&F is that it'll be more difficult to see the tops and bottoms of the screens for the guests on the sides, which is the worst part about Kong. Luckily, F&F will probably be entirely "night" scenes, so a lot of black, which would help disguise the tops and bottoms of the screens.

The only scene where that isn't a problem in Kong is when we fall into the chasm, which is dark and more black than the bright and colorful jungle scenes.
Not sure if this has been discussed already but, i have been questioning myself about this, if Paul Walker will be featured on the animation. Can anyone confirmed this?  :blink:
I've been wondering that as well. It'd be interesting to see if they integrate a digital version of him somewhere in the film (similar to the digital Harry and Hermione in Escape from Gringotts), or maybe mention him.
I don't think he'll be featured in the animation. While there's a slim chance they added him in digitally, the original press release (and recent sneak peeks) explicitly state the actors that were recruited for and featured in this attraction. Plus, wouldn't it be a bit morbid seeing an actor who passed away reanimated in a theme park attraction..? 
^ Very true. Probably wouldn't be in good taste to have him in the ride exclusively in digital form. They finished FF7 very tastefully with his brothers stepping in for him to finish the film. So that's a good way of looking at it. A reference to him would be nice though.
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Being a big fan of Paul Walker (since Pleasantville & Meet the Deedles) and of Fast & Furious... no it would not be morbid or in poor taste if they found a way to include him/his like-ness into the new attraction. Afterall, he is & always has been an integral part of the franchise. It'd be a fitting tribute to the man that helped make this franchise what it is today.

and come on,... would it really be any different from Michael Jackson & Tupac performing onstage long after their deaths? No, no it wouldn't.

I don't remember seeing any big fanfare for KONG 360 or not (outside of the promo material about his destructive path to USH), but if they plan on doing some type of ceremony for Supercharged, it would be nice if they at least dedicated the new attraction to Paul Walker.

Oh & I watched Fast Five last night (Saturday) when they aired it on NBC, the special "behind the scenes" thing they had for Supercharged was just the same video we saw online. Only it was followed by the commercial.
Being a big fan of Paul Walker (since Pleasantville & Meet the Deedles) and of Fast & Furious... no it would not be morbid or in poor taste if they found a way to include him/his like-ness into the new attraction. Afterall, he is & always has been an integral part of the franchise. It'd be a fitting tribute to the man that helped make this franchise what it is today.

and come on,... would it really be any different from Michael Jackson & Tupac performing onstage long after their deaths? No, no it wouldn't.
Seeing a one-time simulated performance of a late artist at an event isn't quite the same as a late actor being added digitally into a theme park attraction that will likely run a very long course. I don't see the character itself being in the attraction morbid or in poor taste, I just don't know how it'd settle with guests seeing the actor himself in a theme park attraction.
While at CityWalk today, I spotted a kiosk in front of the cinemas selling Supercharged merchandise:


There was also a women's tank top and women's t-shirt. The apparel is all official Supercharged merchandise, while the little car models are generic F&F toys.