I'm a big fan of the original--even have a mini-Elsa shrine in my office. So I was excited to catch this over the weekend.
What a disaster. A mash-up of way too many anachronistic jokes, clumsy exposition dumps, and some after-school special level sociopolitics. Despite being convoluted the story is still far too predictable (one of the highlights of my second viewing of the original was the gasp across the theater when Hans did his heel turn--a genuine shocker when the movie came out). The songs range from pedestrian to an odd 80s-esque tune that feels almost like parody. In fact, there are a couple moments where the film takes subtle, eye-rolling shots at the first film -- like the creative team had to make this while being held hostage. The animation is beautiful but this lacks the heart of the original. If you have kids I realize you're stuck seeing this, but otherwise, wait for Disney+.