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Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit

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Those weren't posted earlier? Good lord, they've been out for weeks now. Thanks for posting though Jason.

Anyone been out there lately? I'd really like to see some current pics. I'm planning on heading out next weekend, but plans could change.
Those weren't posted earlier? Good lord, they've been out for weeks now. Thanks for posting though Jason.

Yeah. We know. He was posting them because Brian mentioned them and believe it or not there are probably people who read this that haven't seen the updated art. :thumbs:
I was out there yersterday for Gradventure (which was awesome, by the way.)
The track seems to be completed, and workers could be seen at the climax of the lift throughout the early hours of our visit.
I didn't have my camera on hand, but nothing drastic has changed.
probably still doing electral work with the station i guess anybody know if they filled the underground parts with cement yet. i bet that 3rd block brake area is going to look great when they get done with it
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They have to do a certain amount of test runs, then a certain amount of live runs, it takes a little while. Plus I will bet that they will have issues,,,New Coaster designs,,Ala Top Thrill Dragster, X, the older flying coasters all seem to have them...
They have to do a certain amount of test runs, then a certain amount of live runs, it takes a little while. Plus I will bet that they will have issues,,,New Coaster designs,,Ala Top Thrill Dragster, X, the older flying coasters all seem to have them...

Yeah, but Maurer Sohne has made coasters with this design before. I'm not saying those problems are eliminated, but there will be less.
Posted by Fork at Theme Park Review...

So the loading area doesn't even look halfway done... at least from what I've seen.

Anyone have any recent pics from the last couple days?
I am going to be in the area for Memorial Day and I am guessing that I should not be expecting to get on this. Is that a good guess. I will take pictures either way.
That seems like a pretty good assumption to me. Less than 2 weeks is not much time to complete all of the testing an work out any possible kinks. And that's assuming that every other part of the ride is complete and usable by the 25th. :shrug: