Hypothetical HHN-film turned house: an IP or original? | Inside Universal Forums

Hypothetical HHN-film turned house: an IP or original?

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What do you think?

  • IP

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Original

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters
Apr 4, 2020
Hello there! A question I've debated fellow fans on, none of us ever really coming to a final answer, so I figured I'd bring it here as well!

Let's say that one day, Universal decided to make an HHN movie, whether that be based on an Icon(s), one of the original houses, or a new story set in the HHN universe, and then brought it to the event as a house or zone. At that point, would it be classified as an IP or an original? I know it's a silly question, but it's irked my mind for quite a while now.
You could definitely make the distinction that the HHN movie house would likely have similar freedom of design as the UCM houses, After Hours Nightmare, or Penn and Teller where it's largely an original house with IP elements, as opposed to more book-report-y houses like Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice, or Halloween. Design-wise, it's a lot more of a spectrum than a binary.

However, in practice and in legal terms, it would act like the first three examples, in that they are all treated as IP.
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Honestly I think it would be cool if they did an HHN TV series following Legendary Truth rather than a movie, or at least alongside a film. Make it an X-Files/Fringe/Evil (Paramount) type show. It would be so cool!

X Files GIF by The X-Files
Would an HHN movie just use the event as a backdrop, similar to Hell Fest (2018), or would the movie be more about the lore of the event?

I know this is pure whimsy, and not based on any sort of financial analysis, so I’m sure Universal would ignore my input here.

I’m just saying they could make an 90 minute commercial for the event and cross-promote it with Peacock as a horror movie. I’d do a basic premise. Jack vs The Scream Squad. They get chased through various locations around the park, including some of their best haunts.

Since it’s just a movie, it wouldn’t be hard to just build the whole thing in a soundstage as a best-of house and just use the rooms in the movie.
I think the best approach for any screen adaptation of HHN would be a tv series where every episode would be representing and telling a story about a different original featured at the event. Have them tie into each other at some points, it’s this simple.
I pitched Uni a take on HHN property (The Caretaker) as a standalone horror/detective story, but no dice.

They want to do an all-in take within the actual park from what I understand.
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I get why they want to do an all-encompassing HHN movie, but considering rumors that Scarecrow: The Reaping is a permanent house at Horror Unleashed, I wonder if it might not be better to take houses like that that have shown up a few times and turn them into movies. Gives you a wider pool to draw from and the premise won't feel as drenched in flopsweat.
I get why they want to do an all-encompassing HHN movie, but considering rumors that Scarecrow: The Reaping is a permanent house at Horror Unleashed, I wonder if it might not be better to take houses like that that have shown up a few times and turn them into movies. Gives you a wider pool to draw from and the premise will feel less drenched in flopsweat.

Yeah, in my opinion, the current mandate for Uni and overall business model will relegate anything HHN related to their streamer, where it will be lost forever. Unless someone in the C-Suite has some nostalgic love for HHN, I don't see them doing a wide theatrical release and the quality will fall because of it.

Put simply, we're probably better off with no movie, and Uni is damned if they do, damned if they don't.
They want an all-in film because the original ideas are not the marketable aspect of the movie… the actual EVENT is.
Sure, but the event as a backdrop for a movie is far less interesting thematically than the amazing backstories they've cooked up for some of the icons. If they use the event as a multiverse jumping off point to then spinoff the individual stories, great. But a movie about the event is sort of just another slasher in my book.
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