Taking a look at the mazes by the year they debuted... (Not including the couple houses which are on the way out, nor the two newest ones this year since I feel they're staying.)
2019: Origins: The Curse of Calico
2021: Mesmer: Sideshow of the Mind
2022: Grimoire
2023: Cinema Slasher, Chilling Chambers, Room 13
While there can be a plethora of reasons which mazes leave and which ones stay, one has to feel Origins has to be in contention of having its final year as it's clearly the oldest maze right now. It's been very well beloved, which could be a factor on it lasting more than Wax Works which debuted the same year, but I think it's time has come.
As for Mesmer which is the next oldest, it depends. It was very well received in 2021, but the following years have been a tad hit or miss. But for what it's worth, I've been seeing a lot of good reception this year, so I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed a bit longer.
With Grimoire, well it doesn't have the issues that Bloodlines had, hence why it's not having an early exit like Bloodlines. I can see it sticking around a bit more, but that's a prime location for some big concepts/big mazes, so the Grimoire could go if the creative team has something big in mind.
Now for Cinemas Slasher and Chilling Chambers, both have gotten solid reception for the two years they've been here, so I see zero reason they're going anytime soon. Room 13 on the other hand, not quite as well received. If a maze from 2023 were to go, that one feels the most likely.