Not sure how many people here follow the Oscars, but with Joker and Judy now playing I think "Oscar Season" is fully underway. I expect this season to be much more competitive at least in terms of film quality. I personally found last year to be a dud awards season with not many strong films. I don't forsee that being the cast this year, however. From research Ive done on all the festivals, numerous articles, films I'm excited for myself, etc.
Also, hoping this is a thread we update throughout awards season. Awards don't really mean anything but I find them fun to follow, as well as exploring some new films I may not have before. I think these are some films to watch out for in the next few months, feel free to add yours or just continue the discussion!
- Marriage Story (Netflix)
- Jojo Rabbit (Oct 18, Wide on Nov 8)
- The Irishman (Netflix)
- The Lighthouse (Oct 18, not sure on wide release)
- Parasite (Oct 11, likely wide Oct 25)
- Waves (November 8, not sure of wide release)
- Honeyboy (November 8)
- Knives Out (November 22)
- Uncut Gems (December)
-Bombshell (December)
- 1917 (December 25)
- Little Women (December 25)
I may have missed some there, so feel free to add in whatever I have missed. A few films that have already been released, but could get attention in various categories:
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
The Farewell
Wild Rose
Avengers Endgame
Anyways, Id love to discuss these films and more with people throughout awards season, so lets have some fun!