It says more about 2021, but best movie I've seen all year. Two acts of fun PG John Wick Lite action sequences, then the third act takes a hard left turn into the weird fantastic sci-fi the cartoon specialized in. If you weren't into the 80s series, trust me, skip this, you'll hate it. But if you were, there's a thrill in seeing Storm Shadow, Scarlett and Baroness perfectly realized in live-action, and seeing an actual blockbuster embrace that aesthetic. With a lot of soul from all the 80s ninja movies, too, only this time made with money.
Solid performances all around, with some movie stars in the making. Truly beautiful shots sprinkled throughout the movie, too--visually, it's a love letter to Japan. If you are on the fence like I was, check it out.
Also the best use of a single F-bomb in a PG-13 movie since Get Shorty.