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Spider-Man 4 (MCU)

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Sep 22, 2011
We didn’t have a thread for this, but this is about as clear as it gets that the movie is happening.

I’d be surprised if we don’t see a Miles Morales in live action soon. Not saying it would happen in this movie, but that I just expect Sony to go that route sooner than later.
This will probably not be a popular opinion (among fans) but with how low a position he was in at the end of NWH, I'd like to see a sequel where he just gets put through the ringer and has to piece his life back together, not unlike Raimi 2 (hopefully without undoing the events of NWH).
I honestly think oddly,

Adapting the current PlayStation/Insomniac Peter and Miles feels the most natural given the current state of Parker in the MCU. Has a lot of the framework that’d work, sans Aunt May.
This will probably not be a popular opinion (among fans) but with how low a position he was in at the end of NWH, I'd like to see a sequel where he just gets put through the ringer and has to piece his life back together, not unlike Raimi 2 (hopefully without undoing the events of NWH).
it's been a while since we dipped into full sad-sack peter parker. I'd be curious to see if this new group can pull it off.
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The thing is Holland is only going to want to do this for so long.

I think you got 1 or 2 with him (not counting crossover) before the mantle has to be passed. I bet we see Miles this round.
I'm hoping we get one more trilogy that is just Peter. The movies have never really gotten to post-college stories for Peter, and it's well past time that we eventually get there.
I’d argue there is a place for a Peter College/YA arc that has Miles built in and expanded like Rhodey from the Iron Man trilogy, then with Parker done after that trilogy, Miles takes on a larger role.
Let me be clear, I don’t want much Miles (if any) before they are essentially closing the book on Peter. It would be disrespectful to both characters, but especially disrespectful to Miles Morales who means a lot to a lot of people and is quite popular in his own right to just force him into a Peter Parker Spider-Man movie instead of giving him his own movie.

It would seemingly compromise both characters in a movie, although Insomniac pulled it off in the 2018 video game pretty well and then gave Miles his own origin game shortly after, but that’s a different medium.
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They could do something with Miles Dad like how the Video game has you meet Miles Dad before Miles.

Could be a cop Spiderman helps and the end teaser is Miles, my only hope is the next Spiderman film he is still is solo without the help of everyone.
I would like at least one non-Iron Man adjacent Spider-Man movie before we get Miles.

No overpowered tech suit, no Jarvis like voice, and give Peter some more of that famous “Parker luck” to deal with.

The last movie’s ending took a step in this direction, now I just want to see it continue.
it’ll be interesting to see what direction they go with this. Im assuming it will be a college freshman year type of movie (and maybe the introduce Miles as his roommate or via some type of frat party)
Justin Lin feels like a fantastic director for something that is meant to be a "Reset" of the style of Spider-Man films.

Rumors have positioned this as a film focusing on Peter losing his identity as Spider-Man; and the decline that brings in how Parker operates I believe as his former life is "Killed" following NWH. I really hope they use that and the Symbiote to tell a story similar to the slice of life nature that Lin managed to set a good style of with Beyond.
Filming starting in September plus the schedule we currently have for MCU films tells me this will be a post-Avengers 5 release and come out in July 2026. If Avatar 3 wasn't coming out December 2025, i'd think maybe there would be a chance they shoot for that as a release date but there's no way (plus that would be a tight window for post anyway).
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Filming starting in September leads plus given the schedule we currently have for MCU films tells me this will be a post-Avengers 5 release and come out in July 2026. If Avatar 3 wasn't coming out December 2025, i'd think maybe there would be a chance they shoot for that as a release date but there's no way (plus that would be a tight window for post anyway).
Thinking similar—as I think things are now being positioned for Avengers 5 to pivot from the Multiversal angle in lieu of an Earth story. Would make sense if they use the time that they have before the Battle World, that we see Parker in one more story before Secret Wars kick up.
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We will see what they do

Rumors have been Marvel wants it to be more street level (please god yes) while Sony wants more multivese stuff because of the success of the last film and spider verse

Keep its street level, if every film is about 5 spiderman then that gimmick will get old real quick, I mean...it kinda has already but Sony seems to want to beat a dead horse with the same idea again
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