You're probably wondering "what is roblox??" Well, it's an online game and the premise is that the users make the games and the users play them as well. So I thought you'd be interested in this game on it. It's a recreation of Universal Studios with some parts added in. I don't think it's based on any specific park but it's still good. Not all rides are open so there's a downside. Also today as I'm typing this right now the park's Halloween Horror Nights is almost starting.
So come on down and play! Here are the links.
Universal Studios ROBLOX - Theme Park [BETA] - ROBLOX
Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 2016 - ROBLOX
(check the website if you wanna know when HHN is open)
P.S: You don't have to make an account, you can just play as a guest.
P.P.S: If you don't have a good computer, it might lag out.