Are Shows Universal? | Inside Universal Forums

Are Shows Universal?

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Apr 29, 2013
We all know expansion is Universal, and with all these expansion projects we don't ever hear about new shows coming to the park. Apparently BJ is leaving for Furious and FFL would be leaving down the road for ministry of magic. That leaves me wondering, do you think Universal has any plans to add more stage shows to the parks in the future?

(Water World would be great. Lol)
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Add more stage shows? If anything they will move Beetlejuice to the FFL stage. But I can see them doing more of the Diagon Alley type shows where several live shows rotate throughout the day. Plus, you have the Toon Lagoon theater that isn't being utilized. Yet.
Generally, Universal doesn't seem to be very good at writing shows... the only truly excellent seated offering they have is the Horror Makeup Show, and that's largely been the same script retooled and ad-libbed for over a decade plus. Celestina and Tales are steps in the right direction, but like Blues Brothers, they're diversions at best, not destinations (i.e. anything with a dedicated theater).

The new Beetlejuice revamp is rough. Fear Factor is lame. Poseidon's Fury v2.0 is still clunky. Sinbad (which they had a chance to revisit!) is heinous, borderline regional park in execution.

I'd love it if Universal really put some effort into creating new permanent shows in its lineup, but they just don't seem to be very good at it.

EDIT: Forgot to add that Animal Actors is also very good, though that show's one of a kind for the resort and doesn't really require much "writing."
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Last year before I went to Universal I thought there was hardly any life entertainment. They miss the big shows Disney has (although they overstayed their welcome). But when I was there I noticed there was actualy a lot but on a much smaller scale or you don't notice it as a show. Take Terminator or Posydon's adventure. One of the most overlooked but very funny show is the Horror and Make-up show. I love all the small offerings like at both Potter area's and the Blues Brothers.
The only realy big show I like is The Grinch but that is only seasonal.
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EDIT: Forgot to add that Animal Actors is also very good, though that show's one of a kind for the resort and doesn't really require much "writing."

Animal Actors is good when the Animals are feeling like it. The last time I went it lasted all of 10 mins. I assume they had issues with some of the animals. Alot of people were vocal with their disappointment!
The last time I've seen it the more exotic animals where gone and the show was presented by a pale emo kid that had no presence at all. It was painfull to watch. This is one of the few "this is how we make movies" kind of attractions and Universal is slowly kicking them out of the park. With the amazing making off blu-rays (look at the LOTR documanteries) there is no need for it so this show will end it's run as soon as Kids Zone is getting a new tennant.
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While waiting for & riding the HE last Fall, we struck up a conversation with a gentleman (with his family) that said he's a management executive for Six Flags, but he previously worked for Universal and developed & opened the Animal Actors Show at Universal Orlando. He said the show has declined to the point that it's painful to watch. (But he was very impressed with Diagon/Hogsmeade/ HE and the other new stuff Universal has built).
We all know expansion is Universal, and with all these expansion projects we don't ever hear about new shows coming to the park. Apparently BJ is leaving for Furious and FFL would be leaving down the road for ministry of magic. That leaves me wondering, do you think Universal has any plans to add more stage shows to the parks in the future?

(Water World would be great. Lol)

I'd expect Animal Actors to be gone within a year or so as well/

Plus, you have the Toon Lagoon theater that isn't being utilized. Yet.

TL will be interesting. Still earmarked for removal last I heard, but for what people weren't sure.

I think the future of UOR shows is in Hogsmeade/Diagon/Blues Brothers. Quick, street-level performances that don't take up a lot of space. Realistically, big shows like Fear Factor and Animal Actors are a risk for UOR. With the limited space they have, unless the show really wows people, they're wastes of space.
Yeah, shows don't really work for Universal normally, but I would say the talent is there...

Shows just aren't a priority for Universal..More of an ad-on to the world (i.e. HP areas and Blue Bros.)
Fascinating with them using the air internals. Anyone recall me posting an article about air controlled blow up arms and other appendages a few years ago? It was robotic controlled air baffles that caused a twist one way or the other. Robotics with no skeleton.
Did no one realize a huge pic of kong in this pic?

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For whoever says Universal is not great at writing shows.. maybe their local Entertainment department.. but they don't need to use them. They have an incredible arsenal of already established shows plus properties that can inspire great stage shows. Universal IS behind Broadway musicals like Wicked, Billy Elliott, Side Show, Bring It On, etc. They can port any of those over.
For whoever says Universal is not great at writing shows.. maybe their local Entertainment department.. but they don't need to use them. They have an incredible arsenal of already established shows plus properties that can inspire great stage shows. Universal IS behind Broadway musicals like Wicked, Billy Elliott, Side Show, Bring It On, etc. They can port any of those over.

That's a great point. They should really look into doing that, if they aren't already.
Aladdin at DCA eats hundreds of people for 45 minutes at a time. I think an abridged Broadway style show is a great idea. Add a great gift shop and you're monetizing it.
Disney uses equity if I recall correctly. Universal takes pride in that it does not, again, if I recall correctly. Now I will be the first to say that equity is not a guarantee of talent at all... but there is usually a better group to choose from in the end and their auditions take place in NYC and not greater Orlando.

(yeeesh, please don't be insulted by this anyone who has a personal connection to entertainment!)
Disney World's equity auditions mostly take place...... at Disney World. And the best part is, there are a bunch of equity performers that work at Universal also. Shows like Beauty and the Beast and Festival of the Lion King use a mixture of regular Disney cast performers and Equity performers. Equity is really just a Union that represents performers in certain roles at Disney.
Disney World's equity auditions mostly take place...... at Disney World. And the best part is, there are a bunch of equity performers that work at Universal also. Shows like Beauty and the Beast and Festival of the Lion King use a mixture of regular Disney cast performers and Equity performers. Equity is really just a Union that represents performers in certain roles at Disney.

Hmmm, thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that performers under equity are paid a higher amount that is negotiated. On the other hand, I had been told that any equity performers working at Universal do so without protection from equity. That it is their choice to do so as the benefits at Universal add up to a better package than no benefits for equity at Disney. Has this changed?