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Universal Horror Unleashed - Las Vegas, NV

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Feb 22, 2015
Something interesting to come out of the rumor mill - Screamscape is reporting that Universal is planning an entirely mature HHN set in Vegas

Las Vegas News - (5/17/22) I’ve no idea just how serious this is, but Screamscape is being told that Universal Studios may be in talks with a group in Las Vegas to create a Sin City version of Halloween Horror Nights. I don’t believe this is in connection with an existing attraction like the Circus Circus Adventuredome, but is expected to be more of a stand-alone Haunt experience the likes of which has never been seen before in Las Vegas. As the general demographic for visitors to the area skews to the 21+ range for most things, we could also be looking at an attempt to create a version of Halloween Horror Nights intended for an entirely mature audience.
Again… just talks and concept development so far, nothing concrete, but the mind does boggle at the possibilities.

Thoughts on the possibility?
Like--the reason Toothsome happened in Philly was that it was attached to that of the NBC Sports Arena - Xfinity Live. Unless if they secretly bought land in Vegas, this doesn't make any form of sense what so-ever (and even then, people would've heard inklings of it).

Doubt it's happening, but I have to wonder just why Lance put that on.
I will say, there is a huge haunt market in Vegas. But I also doubt it happening.

When Vegas lost Fright Dome I think that hurt a little bit, but there is still some wide known productions happening in Vegas, such as Freaking Bros Trilogy of Terror. I would say LA and Chicago are the most dense haunt markets, but people in Vegas do love haunts.

With that, I think it's a awful idea to have two HHN locations four hours apart from each other. HHN feels like a destination haunt because of it's grand scale and it's usage at a theme park giant with a great studio background. I think that brand would not be the same if it's outside of Universal Parks.

Also, "Sin City version of Halloween Horror Nights?" What?
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If by some miracle, they actually DID pull this off, what are some of the stupidest ideas and possibilities you guys think could come from a Vegas HHN?

EDIT: But in all seriousness I call clickbait garbage on this one.
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I have a feeling this is more of a situation where a hotel asked Universal to provide creative consulting for a haunt event, versus HHN themselves hosting it.

I don't think a haunt event in Vegas affects attendance to USH. A big draw of HHN is the ability to experience haunts and attractions.
Been thinking more of it (Yeah, remember when I called it the equivalent of Wicked Land for MSHI?) and let me ask...

what if it's Resort Worlds? Hear me out on this. For the past two years, NBCUniversal/Comcast and Resorts World have not been able to operate whatsoever a full fledged version of Halloween Horror Nights for that of the region of Singapore. Only able to do very *limited* aspects, and in 2020's case, nothing at all.

With Resorts World Las Vegas fully open for the general public, perhaps as part of the continued disablement to bring Halloween Horror Nights back fully to Universal Studios Singapore...what if the teams are developing, an event for Vegas this year? One to act as a test to see how the Vegas climate works with Universal characters and themes (while also being able to work on the event), while also allowing their teams at USS to work on a proper Halloween Horror Nights, without fear of COVID procedures?

It's still something I highly highly **highly** doubt, but why the hell did Screamscape run this?
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