10 Years of OU | Inside Universal Forums

10 Years of OU

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
If any of you have been keeping tabs.. (you weren't)..

Today is the 10th anniversary of what would have been Orlando United. Even though we are now Inside Universal, we're still celebrating 10 years of covering the Orlando parks. I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for keeping the site going and allowing us schmucks to keep doing whatever it is we do. Whether it's been saying hello to us in the parks, keeping the discussion moving forward in the forums, donating (Shameless Plug: If you haven't, you too can help the site by becoming a Premium, or VIP Member. http://forums.insideuniversal.net/account/upgrades ) :)

Truly, Thank you!
I understand what a thankless job it is to keep a site such as this going. Showing up at the parks and all the events they put on, endless hours of researching new food and drink offerings while fighting the ever increasing competition of the theme park blog world. You have done very well for these last 10 years and I hope you find it entertaining enough to continue for another 10. I love the entertainment. - Thanks to all who have worked so hard to keep this site running in all it's forms.

ETA: @Brian G. , your appeal got to me and I upgraded my membership. Nice sales job, you should work for NPR :p
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I understand what a thankless job it is to keep a site such as this going. Showing up at the parks and all the events they put on, endless hours of researching new food and drink offerings while fighting the ever increasing competition of the theme park blog world. You have done very well for these last 10 years and I hope you find it entertaining enough to continue for another 10. I love the entertainment. - Thanks to all who have worked so hard to keep this site running in all it's forms.

ETA: @Brian G. , your appeal got to me and I upgraded my membership. Nice sales job, you should work for NPR :p

Thank you staff for keeping this a great place to post and discuss the parks! This is my way of venting my theme park geekiness that I normally am not able to share with a lot of my people. I appreciate keeping everything balanced and fun to post on.
I couldn’t have said it any better than @JoeCamel did, however thank you for bringing this forum to the world. I know it’s a thankless and tireless job keeping it running smoothly. If I ever meet you in the parks I’ll buy you a round of drinks.

I love the merger with IU as it gives me a chance to see what’s going on the west coast which we didn’t have to much knowledge of.

The long and short of it is thanks for what you do for this site and keep up the good work!
I have become a lurker for some time now, but this place really is something of a home for me. I've been with you guys for a little under 8 years and in that time I have made so many friends here. I've also had the opportunity to learn an abundance of things about theme parks (and in particular UOR) and I am incredibly grateful for it. This place is something special - I have yet to find another community like ours. I now work at both WDW and UOR and I have you guys to thank for keeping our shared passion of the parks alive.
I know I wrote a bunch of cheesy BS but I really love this place. So thanks Brian, and everyone, new and old, for keeping it around. Here's to another 10 years! :cheers:
Congrats! :cheers:

Thank you, guys, sincerely! I'm about to sound really young right now, but I found OU when I was in middle school :shh::lol: and it absolutely helped shape my formative years. I didn't know anybody that was interested in theme parks like I was, and being from NJ, I didn't find myself in Orlando very often. But I joined here to follow the construction of WWoHP and found this amazing community of people who are just as passionate about (and critical of :lol:) the industry as I am. I knew I wanted to design theme parks but had no resources or outlet. It was OU - and now IU - that really helped me stay connected, learn things about the industry I never would have learned before entering it, and have amazing discussions blue skying, criticizing, and commentating.

Now, 8.5 years after joining (!) I'm a senior in college, a scenic designer in an incredible theatre program, planning on going down to Orlando after I graduate and see if I can't worm my way to the other side, and start designing the things we love to complain about :lol:.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that works to keep this place running. And thank you to everyone who contributes. You gave this young gay a community when he absolutely needed one. And if I do wind up working for the big dogs, I promise to return the favor. IU gets all the exclusives! :lol:
IU is hands-down one of my favorite places on the Internet. The community is fantastic, nobody's too negative, the moderation is on-point, and it hasn't become bloated like some other theme park communities out there.

Brian and all, keep up the great work!
Congrats on 10 years! Crazy I joined back in 2010 so I’ll have been here 8 years. I don’t post too much but I always lurk. I tend to be more active in the summer months because I always hit Orlando in the summer.

It’s a great community that I enjoy coming to and discuss things. Whether it’s about movies/TV/games or just general park stuff. This is my favorite outlet to do so because I know my opinions will be met with respect and no scrutiny. Other places like Twitter or Reddit you will get attacked if your opinion isn’t the same as someone else’s.
Congratulations on the 10 years. If the rumours are true about the next 10 years in the resort, then you've taken this site to the next level at the right time.

The future is looking bright. Here's to another 10 years. :cheers:
Congrats, you all have done an amazing job. You all have done great, changing with the times and creating new content and upgrading the platform. You have taken a fan site to something that people in the biz take note of, that is no small feat, especially with as small of a team you have. It takes a lot of dedication and care to do something like that.

Thank you all for everything and keep up the great work. Who knows what lies in store for your 20th!!

Wow, I signed up in those early days a cant believe it was ten years ago already.

Thanks for all you do to keep OU/IU going, the first ten years have been great, these next ten should be even better. Cheer Y'all :cheers::cheers::cheers: