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Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count (HHN 32)

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Like most, I had to do a double take and check this was legit lol.

I'd be happy if they announced dates. As an international tourist, the earlier I can book flights (& I have to get in super in advance if I use frequent flyer miles) and accommodation the cheaper they usually are.
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I don't even get the fascination with dates, TBH. You know it's going to be from early in September to the week after Halloween, every weekend in between. What do you need the exact dates for unless you're trying to go opening night?
For me it’s because the next couple of years will be unknown when they end the event. Next year, Halloween falls on a Tuesday, so will they not have horror nights on Monday and do the rest of week thru Sunday or will they just end it on Tuesday? 2024 Halloween falls on Thursday, so i’m pretty sure at that point they’ll continue into November for that weekend. I only attend the final week, so knowing the dates early helps my planning out personally.
I don't even get the fascination with dates, TBH. You know it's going to be from early in September to the week after Halloween, every weekend in between. What do you need the exact dates for unless you're trying to go opening night?
For me - it's wondering when exactly they will start - and which Wednesday/Thursday is blocked off for a private event.
For me - it's wondering when exactly they will start - and which Wednesday/Thursday is blocked off for a private event.
I'm gonna guess September 1. 2024 will probably start September 5 and end November 3. Pushing the event to start in late August sounds like a nightmare and I'm pretty sure Legacy has stated that Universal already has problems getting the event ready in time.

Could that problem be fixed? Maybe. But, I'm looking way too far into the future with this and getting off-topic lmao.

I'm also not really excited for Chucky. The show sucks imo lol. The best way to represent Chucky would've been a house that covers all three Child's Play films, but I'm certain there's a rights issue with the first film.
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Grumpy old guy here.... not excited about Chucky at all. He's been a part of HHN every year forever.... house, SZ, all over merch... maybe bc Ive never been a huge fan of the franchise. Hell ive even been the apartment from the orginal in Chicago. But that a big MEH from me dog. Hopefully they will surprise me with something cool!
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The best way to represent Chucky would've been a house that covers all three Child's Play films, but I'm certain there's a rights issue with the first film.

As far as I know, there are no rights issues with the original film, per se - Universal simply does not control them outright, and they'd probably rather not pay to license them if they do not have to. Child's Play 1 (and the ability to make derivative properties using that title, though apparently they can't use the Brad Dourif Chucky) is controlled by MGM, who has been very game to work with HHN in the past. MGM is now owned by Amazon, but I'm under no impression they'd be willing to work out a deal if the money is there.

Universal owns all subsequent Chucky properties, everything from Child's Play 2 on... so it's easier (and cheaper) to just draw on that material.
Dropping this here, ultimately it kind of amounts to nothing at this point, but thought worth mentioning:

Michael Burnett was at Transworld, who now runs FrightNight Studios but was the former head of makeup for years at Universal and designed the original werewolves used in the AWiL house (he also mentioned they originally wanted to make them actors in suits, but he convinced them to go with puppets). Interestingly, it seems as though he designed and built the OG puppets (and Xenomorphs the next year), but they have done the reskinning internally ever since (I can only assume one of them became Croc-o-lion, one became the Corwardly Lion, and maybe one became Mama Bear, while the Xenomorph bases may have been reworked into the Demogorgons). He opened up questions at his booth, and someone brought up the Chucky house and he just gave a very knowing glance and said "Yeah, I'm real interested to see how they pull that off this year". Could obviously mean anything from "Good luck to them, I know nothing" to "NDAs are a powerful thing" but still.

Worth noting finally, he did the sculpt for the most commonly used Chucky mask/iteration we've seen and mentioned he was never particularly thrilled with how the proportions came out. He also possesses molds for the original Chucky and Tiffany. Ultimately this could be a big nothing burger, but was awesome to get to talk to him, and I obviously wasn't going to push him or ask him questions that could get him in trouble regarding any work he was doing for this year.
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Dropping this here, ultimately it kind of amounts to nothing at this point, but thought worth mentioning:

The Transworld Halloween Attraction Show just took place this past weekend, and among the vendors there was Michael Burnett, who now runs FrightNight Studios but was the former head of makeup for years at Universal and designed the original werewolves used in the AWiL house (he also mentioned they originally wanted to make them actors in suits, but he convinced them to go with puppets). Interestingly, it seems as though he designed and built the OG puppets (and Xenomorphs the next year), but they have done the reskinning internally ever since (I can only assume one of them became Croc-o-lion, one became the Corwardly Lion, and maybe one became Mama Bear, while the Xenomorph bases may have been reworked into the Demogorgons). He opened up questions at his booth, and someone brought up the Chucky house and he just gave a very knowing glance to his wife and said "Yeah, I'm real interested to see how they pull that off this year". Could obviously mean anything from "Good luck to them, I know nothing" to "NDAs are a powerful thing" but still.

Worth noting finally, he did the sculpt for the most commonly used Chucky mask/iteration we've seen and mentioned he was never particularly thrilled with how the proportions came out. He also possesses molds for the original Chucky and Tiffany. Ultimately this could be a big nothing burger, but was awesome to get to talk to him, and I obviously wasn't going to push him or ask him questions that could get him in trouble regarding any work he was doing for this year.
I really, really hope they do puppets. I just absolutely cannot immerse myself when I have a 4.5 foot tall Chucky coming at me lol
I really, really hope they do puppets. I just absolutely cannot immerse myself when I have a 4.5 foot tall Chucky coming at me lol

Tall Chuckies would really ruin this house. I supposed I could get into it if you did what someone else proposed- backstory of shrinking all of us, so the whole world is bigger, then bigger chuckies makes sense, but then they better be chubby like the doll, not *just* the correct scaled height.
Tall Chuckies would really ruin this house. I supposed I could get into it if you did what someone else proposed- backstory of shrinking all of us, so the whole world is bigger, then bigger chuckies makes sense, but then they better be chubby like the doll, not *just* the correct scaled height.
Yeah I really need this to have puppets lol, I honestly hate the shrinking-down idea
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Excited to see what they do with Chucky with this much advance notice ... agree that puppets are the way to go.

Puppets jumping out from all angles that scare actors can't will be fun!
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Grumpy old guy here.... not excited about Chucky at all. He's been a part of HHN every year forever.... house, SZ, all over merch... maybe bc Ive never been a huge fan of the franchise. Hell ive even been the apartment from the orginal in Chicago. But that a big MEH from me dog. Hopefully they will surprise me with something cool!
I'm currently watching this highly rated show and it' The acting is bad, the story is bad, the writing/dialogue is bad. This is going to sound mean, but all of the faces these kids make when they act are awful...especially Jake and his mouth movements. I just don't understand why this garbage show was necessary. The only redeeming thing could be the aesthetics and if they look good or not.
I mean, that would be a fantastic solution

Otherwise it would be heightist
Why would this be heightist? Chucky is a puppet. They should be puppets.