Future interactive rides at Universal Parks | Inside Universal Forums

Future interactive rides at Universal Parks

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Oct 10, 2021
After Mario Kart Bowser's Challenge And Villain Con Minion Blast, It looks like Universal Creative will embrace interactive attractions more going forward. Which begs the questions, What are future types of interactive attractions could Universal design and build? And would there be IPs that would ideal for an interactive attraction?
There were rumors a while ago that there was a concept for an attraction based on Pokemon Snap using Mario Kart's augmented reality technology. That sounded like a perfect fit for a Pokemon attraction, and I can imagine the game mechanics could be adapted to that ride system in interesting ways. It sounds like a re-theme of Spider-Man at USJ is the most likely thing to happen based on more recent rumors, but I hope they're able to do something more ambitious for an IP as big as Pokemon.
I'm betting that Villain-Con gets cloned to Universal Studios Hollywood, and the (hopefully) future Pokemon lands will have Nintendo World level of interactivity.
If they did clone Villain Con, where would it go? So far the only place I see it going is French Street and taking out the French Street Bistro. I can see this being the 2025 addition to the park as well since there does not appear to be anything planned for that year as of now.
Let's wait and see how Mario Kart holds up over time and how Minions is received before rushing into "EVERYTHING INTERACTIVE!"
Let's wait and see how Mario Kart holds up over time and how Minions is received before rushing into "EVERYTHING INTERACTIVE!"
I was not saying make everything interactive anyways. What I was saying is I think Universal is going to do more interactive type attractions.
Some ideas I have for interactive Universal attractions include something akin to a better version of Web Slingers, a stacked dark ride with guns mounted to the seats like TSMM, a trackless ride with a stadium style seating vehicle with TSMM blasters attached to it. (this would have been the original concept for Villain Con before it got changed to the moving walkway) And some form of a SCOOP ride that some form on interactivity built in. Don't know how they would pull that off. But i will have a better idea if the new Avengers Multiverse E ticket has it as that ride is now rumored to be using a SCOOP like vehicle.
If anything IOA not having an interactive ride is noticeable, if the other 2 parks own those type of rides I’m fine with it.

I think every Nintendo attraction will have some level of interactivity even if just hitting a button every once in awhile.

Not that I want everything to turn interactive but the next gen of kids are BUILT on video games. Whether it’s console games or IPhone games, compared to other generations, games are extremely more accessible and popular than ever. It could be their next gold mine.
Doing some digging on the patent site here are some patents I found that could be used in future interactive attractions: