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Halloween Horror Nights 19 Reviews & Photos

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Who is going to post the surprise for those who did the behind the screams tour? I know it can be reveled now. Also my guide hinted that HHN might move to IOA to push the New potter land. Yes it is a scary thought I know.
Who is going to post the surprise for those who did the behind the screams tour? I know it can be reveled now. Also my guide hinted that HHN might move to IOA to push the New potter land. Yes it is a scary thought I know.

I've got some pics I could post, but I'll wait for Brian to break the story first :)

(but FYI - it's nothing juicy or revealing. Just exclusive to the tour is all.....)
As painful as the crowds may be Universal is pretty big on making money. If they ever do put a cap on attendence it would be a miracle...or a sign of the second coming.
Well, I'm back from HHN. I'll be working on my review shortly but it's going to be broken up into multiple installments since I'm without a computer and I'm on my iPhone.

First installment should come tonight.
The Wolfman
The detail of the house was pretty damn incredible. I thought the woods scene would be a bit bigger but it seemed to have decent size. We went in right when it first opened and the actors turned it up big time. I got a ton of scares the first go round. Saw everything from the jumping wolf to the end scene. The last guy got me insanely bad and I left my feet in shock.

Leave It To Cleaver
A fun house, I have it at the bottom of my list, but I still liked it which tells you how strong this HHN was house wise. The actors were good it just lacked scares but that really isn't what it was for. That room with the strobes had a ton of potential, though.

Silver Screams
Loved it. The Usher is becoming my favorite HHN icon. The facade was awesome and the popcorn smell was cool. There were some good scares to be *had but it was mostly just a cool house visually. Harry Warden got me BAD when the horn went off. My favorite scene was probably Shaun of the Dead. I was disappointed in the Thing scene.
Well the surprise was the model of the Universal Palace Theater and the blueprints of the houses. Just realized some of the pictures are a little crooked. Sorry about that.












This is my first time posting here but heres my review from the 28th:

My friend and I got in the park around 7 and went through Containment. The guy at the beginning was hilarious but it was one of the worst scarezones I've seen. Not enough fog.

We went in Wolfman next it had only a 5 min. wait so I didn't use my express. The line really took 10 min and I had to listen to my friend complain about how we should of used our express. Wolfman tied for my favorite house along with Dracula. The forest scene wasn't as big as was expecting but was still good. Had great timing in this house got the transformation scene scare, the bungee scare, and the final scare. 10/10

Next we went in Dracula. It had a 20 min wait but my friend refused to wait that long for a house so we used our express and only got to go in once. I got the most scares in this house. Only saw one Dracula but still a good house.Tied for favorite house with wolfman. 10/10

Frankenstien was next. It had a 15 min wait but my friend wanted to use express. Good house but missed the first scare in the house by a couple of groups and missed the scene when the creature kill Frankenstien's assistant. Saw the bride twice. 3rd favorite house. 8/10

Walked right into Cleaver. Worst house of the night. Only year I didn't like the disaster queue house. I understand it was supposed to be a funny house but the only think I heard in the house was "Welcome to Meatz Meats". It was hotter than h*ll in there, I don't know how you guy can work in there. I wanted to give a second try but didn't get a chance to. Least favorite 2/10

Saw only had a 20 min wait and really didn't want to use my express pass but it broke my friends if its longer than 5 min use express rule. Saw really fit well in the Jaws Queue but was lacking in scares. Only got scared by the Jigsaw in the first room and the guy with the circular saw in the hospital room. Didn't see most of the traps but the final room was creepy.6th favorite. 3/10

Went in my least anticipate house next: Spawning. Convinced my friend to wait in a 20 min wait and used the stand buy line for the last time. Spawning was awsome. The amazing cast made up for the bad sets and funny looking costumes. 2nd favoite house. 9/10

We hit chucky next. It was fun but I missed almost all the scares and the monkey in the barrel of monkey room wasn't moving. The chucky with the machine gun was funny and barby is a whore! Didn't get the ball room with the little chucky heads but my friend like an idiot punched one. The only scares I got were from the etch-a-sketches. Missed the stuffed animal scared but it look awsome. 5th favorite. 5/10
Went in Silver Screams but I had terrible timing but I saw the facade transform. Got scared by both phantoms. A watched the group in front of me get the rest of the scares in the house except for the big face dude in the army of darkness room. I liked the Harry Warden who faded in and out at the end of his hallway. None of the Ushers tried to scare me. Didn't like the stranger's room. Saw the blonde stranger and the guy stranger but not the other one. The guy stranger stared at me though the whole room. Were there supposed to be any scares in there? Wanted to do this house over. 4th favorite house. 6/10 (Not the house's or actor's fault it would of scored higher if I had better timing)

Went through Horrorwood. I got one good scare in there. I was looking for Harry by the refreshment stand but couldn't find and was on my way to hacktion when I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around and theres a pickaxe in face. Harry pushes through me and gets my friend.

I go though Haction, containment again, and WOTLD but no scares in any of them. The new scare zone was to crowed and mainly a photo op. I saw Jack, the Caretaker, Cindy, the Usher, and others. I watched a cast change for ACOC and one of cannibals on his way to the scare zone scared this little girl and then as soon as her parents got to stop crying a cannibal leaving the scarezone scared her and she started crying again. Me and my friend were laughing our shia laboufs off. We rode muumy and ate dinner and went in wolfman again. I heard "I will kill all of you" this time during the transformation. We were going to go though Cleaver again but my friend thought the express line was to long. We went on Jaws and MIB and hit Spawning again around 10:30. The cast was much more intense this time. We had a big black dude behind us who was pretty scared. When my friend realized the cast was more intense he started freaking out. So here were these two people who never met freaking out together bumbing in to me while I walked calmly though the house. The whole house I listened to holy crap, what the heck is that, the house is pissing on me the house is pissing on me. Then we get to the room where the sculder is above you and I tell my friend to look up he freaks out and tells the big dude to look up and he flips out and runs into the wall. In the final room the sculders went after my friend and the big dude who were screaming instead of me and the big dude pushes past me and runs out of the house sits down at the exit.

Finaly we see Bill and Teds and met up with my Dad and step mom at city walk and drive home. I got home at 3 and only got 2 hours of sleep for school but it was worth it.
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The Strangers room had the two standing over to the side and the third jumps out at the end of the room. She got me both times I went through.

Thanks. Must of missed it. I wanted to do this house a second time but my friend wanted to get to bill and teds 30 min early

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