Halloween Horror Nights 24: Reviews & Photos | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 24: Reviews & Photos

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
With employee previews last night, and opening night tomorrow, please share your opinions and photos of this year's event here. Reminder that there will be spoilers in this thread. ONLY PHOTOS AND REVIEW IN THIS THREAD.
Preview Review: Only based on preview night. All houses and zones were a count of one except Halloween.

Halloween- Started off with this one. Even with PR/Media making us stop in one scene for so long I spotted each actor. That would sour most people but it did not for me. Some of the scenes will happen fast, so I tended to miss quite a bit. How they manage to fit all the scenes from the movie into a Tent is beyond me.

Dollhouse of the Dammed- Dolls don't scare me. Not to say this house did not give me some scares here and there. The house is well weird as hell. Their was not a well told story. Who was the little girl, Where was she, Why does all this stuff look this way. Instead of being immersed into the house. I just was finding it weird. Maybe after a couple times through I would get it.

Roanoke Cannibal Colony- Sets were great but way to wide. Think Resident Evil style. Maybe it's my fault for looking into more than just the title. I did expect more than what I saw. As for that wonderful surprise. To me it just wasn't. I already had knew of it. There room for improvement.

From Dusk Till Dawn- Ok start with a good looking bar and ladies. Then thrown into the creatures, hallways....etc etc a few big rooms. At the end. Wait that was quick. The set-up could have been slower to draw you into the house a bit more. Perhaps I missed the two most important characters of FDTD but the brothers was only in one scene. It could get better after a few more times through.

The Walking Dead: End of the Line- They boost this to be the biggest house. No lie, it's true. So big, I looked up after the first scene or so. Then notice we just were then entering the soundstage. Good sets and all the zombies don't make a house good. There's other people besides the zombies but not enough. Tons of scenes from the season and it's easily worth a lot more visits. The first half was slow and dry but somewhere in the middle. It hit a sweet spot for me. I started to be excited to see where the rest of the house went. The ending was cool to me but I could see others saying it's just now a explosive ending for WD to leave HHN on.

A vs P- Good sets, Aliens were solid and Predators wowed me. I just had the thought of "I'm starring at a Predator" The other characters to me felt thrown in. The ending....meh Would have loved for a Queen.

Dracula Untold- Good set design, story wise didn't know what the hell was going on. I have the feeling this house will be very much improved in time. With more actors and better timing on scares.

Giggles & Gore- Clowns in a factory with lots of gore. Simple as that. I had fun in this house. Didn't feel short at all. The bad clown area that was near the end. Felt kind of alright just not as grand as I expected it to be.

Scare Zones:
Bayou of Blood- A dark zone with dark characters doesn't make any sense to me. I didn't understand why was their stilt characters. I've never seen that before in any voodoo elements. I will have to see how this zone works opening and beyond.

Face Off- It's like 7 in a after thought but like if you had a alternate universe of a bad idea for a zone. Felt way to empty to me. A pure photo op like no other. I will say I didn't pay too much attention to the make-up for the photo characters. Not a zone I wanted to spend much time in at all.

Purge- I missed so much in this zone. So I would say that's a good thing. What I did see was different characters acting so odd. Which was awesome to watch. The zone might stretch all of NY but the only fun spot was by the bus. My pick for grab a beer and a pretzel and watch.

Sorry if the review was a little long. Won't write a finale review till the very end.
This is a review from our correspondent @triggernel who was covering our Employee Preview Last Night

Last night was the kick off of the Horror Nights season with the Team Member Preview Night. It's a dress rehearsal of sorts that allows event staff a night of practice with huge crowds before the gates are opened to paying customers. This means that things may be changed in the next couple of days, but that's not gonna stop us from sharing our thoughts from the first look at this years houses.
Reviews are ranked in order, ending with my favorite house so far this year.


8. This maze was just bizarre. When it was first announced, most people were confused as to how the apparent action film shown in the trailer would translate into a house. And I can tell you that even after a walkthrough, I still have no idea what it's about. The house actually has some very cool sets, but they're not done quite well enough to actually transport guests to another place. To really sell the story of the house, it needed a strong cast, and unfortunately they left a lot to be desired tonight. But all that can change. Hopefully over the next month and a half, they'll grow into their roles and help this house give Dracula the respect he deserves.

7. Dollhouse is definitely the creepiest house this year. From its doll-appendage lined facade to its Teddy Ruxpin display, the designers took that fear we all have of twisted toys, and cranked up the creep level. There's a couple of really great scenes including a giant music box, complete with life-size ballerinas. Now the house may fall pretty far down on the list, but that's not to say it wasn't great, it just felt a little more "regional-park Haunt" then the rest of the event.

6. Roanoke was the first house of the night, and set the stage for an awesome event. Even this far down on the list, the houses were great. This one throws guests into a burning colonial village filled with cannibalistic pilgrims. Burning wooden structures make up most of the sets, and they're littered with bodies. The highlight of the house was the two story ending, complete with stilted-Wendigo creatures!

5. I had a hard time ranking this house, just because it felt very unfinished. It opens inside the censored, "Twister" bar, where guests walk past hordes of sexy undead, dancing seductively. The first third of the maze is really well done and looks like it's ripped straight from the show. But then guests enter into the ruins beneath the bar and things seem a little empty. We passed through a few similarly themed ruins, before finally making it back into the Twister for the epic finale! Seriously this room might be my favorite of the entire event, and brings this house up a few spots on the list.


4. The third time's the charm for the Walking Dead at Horror Nights. This time the team went all out, creating the largest ever house at the event. And it really shows. Some of the scenes are downright awe-inspiring because of their scale. Each major scene from season four is represented here, with some taking up spaces just as large as the actual scenes on the show. That being said, the house does suffer, like its predecessors, from the repetitiveness of the Walkers. One can only see so many zombies pop out before the shock wears off.

3. This is another house that falls into the just plain messed up category. The theme of people being turned into clowns is taken to extremely gory levels, and a lot of the imagery inside is just plain disgusting. And I loved every second of it! The designers did a great job putting a fresh take on the traditional clown house and I applaud them for not leaning on the crutch that is 3D.


2. This was definitely the surprise hit of the event for me. As someone who's not huge into 80s horror, I was less excited than most when this house was announced. That being said, I knew the designers were huge fans of the series, so I put my full faith behind them, and boy did they deliver. The house does a great job mixing iconic scenes from the films, with great set pieces, and unique scares. From the hallway of Michaels, to the jaw-dropping exterior scene between two houses, the maze delivers on so many levels.


1. It was the announcement I was most excited for, it was the house I was most ready to love, and it was the IP I was most familiar with. I went in expecting to love the house, and it really blew me away. The set design is absolutely second to none, and the use of puppets is right up there with last years, American Werewolf in London. That being said, the maze is not without it's faults. Many of the iconic scenes and props from the films are missing. I realize that the designers wanted to move away from the films and tell their own story, but I would have liked to have seen things like the Alien Queen, and the Exosuit. Also there's only one scene that somewhat shows the Aliens and Predators engaged in combat. Would have liked to have seen more of a battle between the two species. But I only bring these things up, because there's so few things wrong with the house. It really is a masterpiece and will go down as one of the greats of all time!

Looking forward to hearing which houses you're most looking forward to. Leave a comment below, and make sure to share on Twitter and Facebook, and follow me on Twitter at @triggernel. I'll be live tweeting from Horror Nights this weekend, so be sure to follow along!
Here is my initial review:

Opening Ceremony
I'm not sure if this might be expanded some for regular nights (seemed a little short on actors) but otherwise was very nice. It's basically a recreation of the start of the Purge. I thought this was a nice way to open the event as the Purge starts at 7:00 in the movies.

Aliens vs. Predator
This was one of the ones I was most excited for and it pretty much lived up to expectations. The Aliens were great and I loved the SciFi sets. I heard one scene had the transparent Predator but I missed seeing the effect, the person behind me said they saw it.

Giggles & Gore
As expected this one was very short but they packed in some great stuff in a small space. I really liked the scenes were clowns were doing horrific things to people. The clowns had some great psychotic laughs/smiles. Towards the end it seemed to have a bit of a long stretch of just blank walls making a very anti-climatic ending. After exiting I was shocked by just how much of the Disaster queue was not used. It definitely seemed longer than it was. Not a great photo but you can get an idea of just how much space they didn't use for this one.

From Dusk till Dawn
This was another one I was really excited for. It would have been nice if they didn't have to censor the name, just seems silly to me for an adult event. Otherwise I loved it. The sets were great, the dancers were great! The final scene in the bar really felt like you were in the bar and the Gecko brothers seemed pretty good.

Roanoke was good, loved the finale scene!

The Walking Dead
It really looked like they went all out for this one. The facade was very impressive! I liked the use of height in the store scene made it feel like a big store. There was a zombie scene with mirrors that to me really felt like you were just walking into a horde of zombies, I think this has been the best zombie scare of all the Walking Dead houses.


I loved the 70's feel of this one. The facade out front featured the first murder scene from the movie, very reminiscent of watching the old Rear Window display at the Alfred Hitchcock attraction. The sets in this one were great!

Bill & Ted
This was a great Bill & Ted show!! If you enjoy Disney bashing it will feel like they wrote this show just for you. I think the video screen is larger this year and they made good use of it throughout the show. Basically the setting is a fraternity, members are required to wear a Magic Band but the bands are killing people. Bill & Ted go undercover to find out why people are dying. They finally figure out its the Magic Bands. The Avatar jab from last year has returned and it's word for word exactly the same! I was disappointed they didn't have the same actor for James Cameron (possibly just not in the show I saw) but the guy who did it did a great job!

Overall this seems to be a great year!!
Done 5 houses so far:


I liked to more spacious feeling, since the story takes place in a colony narrow corridors would not make much sense. Good actors, the guy who says "I see the devil in your eyes son" was a nice touch, brought the whole thing more alive, gave it a greater sense of conflict.


A truly amazing recreation of the movie, loved the use of actors as michael myers just lunging at you with a knife, the actors were kind of slow and methodical, really added to the atmosphere. Cough scene was cool but could be done better. The room where there are various Myers and then suddenly the light goes out, quite unnerving!

Dollhouse of the Damned:

My favorite together with AvP; surreal gothic stuff and best of all they actually managed to turn a more psychological horror into a maze, magnificent! The scare actor babies in the beginning were awesome, though nothing beats the room with the ballerinas and the mirrors. My kind of horror for sure!

Dracula Untold:

Had high hopes for this but it fell short. The opening facade looks cool and most of the sets are done nice, but the house lacks action and coherence.

Alien versus Predator:

Had the highest hopes for this and it definitely delivered. Whenever a predator jumped in front of me I did not get scared but just stood there in awe, wow, I am face to face with a real predator! Very detailed scenes, a lot of stuff to see, mangled bodies and creepy alien stuff; loved it how you had to crouch at the end and how an alien comes at you somewhere at the right during this little tunnel part.

Going again on Thursday, I take a bus so I like to leave early, plus it was getting quite busy. Was originally going to do Giggles and Gore, but it said closed.
So in the halloween house one of the best scares I got of the night was from the Michael myers that comes out and stabs the fake person with the strobes about halfway through the house. We got backed up there and there was no one behind me. So I was watching him stab him and then after it went dark I was expecting him to reset. So just as I start to turn my head away he sets off the strobes again and lunges right at my face and gets the knife withing a few inches of my face in one very quick motion. Like 6 feet away to in my face in the course of one strobe. Idk if he improvised that because me expecting him to reset totally set that up. And a great job on his part scaring me while I was literally looking at him the whole time. Looking forward to this house again tonight.

After the second night I have done all the houses at least once. Here is my current rankings and I'll explain my feeling tomorrow when I get up. I feel pretty solid on the order except 2 and 3 may flip and 4 and 5 may flip over the course of the event. The rest I feel are pretty locked in for me personally.

1. Halloween
I was expecting this house to be good. But it still eclipsed my expectations. The music and sound fx set a great tone and they used stove lights to great effect. I feel like these actors really got into the role of Michael myers and it showed. You can call as tell if the actors are excited for their roles. And it shows off here. I can't believe how they packed so much into a tent and the sets were great. I would call this house an instant classic.

2. Giggles and Gore
Honestly didn't feel short at all. I loved the gore and the setting and subject really adds to the atmosphere. This house benefited like halloween with a high energy cast both times I went though.

3. AvP
Everything about this house looks so good. The only thing that holds it back from top honors is the scare factor isn't huge. They do a good job of putting the lines around tight corners but they don't seem as well hidden as the werewolves were last year. That and I feel they could have put a few scares overhead in this house instead of just some static aliens. I really liked the scene with the guy getting grabbed through the floor by the alien though.

4. Walking Dead
Finally a good walking dead house. It didn't feel super long because it had some big rooms but they defiantly made the house feel alive by packing it with actors. That's always been my problem with walking dead houses. Those zombie as slow and not that scary unless u simply overwhelm by numbers and that's what they did. Multiple rooms with 4 to 5 acts in it. I really liked the room where your were outside in a forest with the strobes. Very disorientation and they times their movements to the flashes well.

5. Dollhouse of the Damned
Creepy setting with the potential to be scary but I just happened to not get any. Went in during a shift change so I feel that partially to blame. For a tent house it felt pretty long and some of the rooms looked very good. Has a great atmosphere and vibe. Looking forward to going through again.
6. Roanoke Cannibal Colony
Good looking sets but suffers from being too wide open and not enough actors. I was also disappointed with the makeup or lack thereof. I think I only saw one person with their lips chewed off. Has potential if they just put in a few more actors.

Beautiful sets but just wasn't scary. The best part was the drunk guy at the beginning talking you into going in. Funny as hell. While I appreciate the grand set design the lighting seemed a bit too bright and it's just really hard to get scared by someone popping out 20 feet away from you. And the beginning with the curtains was just too obvious where they were going to come from. I had at least 3 people pop out right in front of me but to no effect because it was blatantly obvious.

8. Dracula
Please stop doing a crappy movie tie in house for a crappy movie. Not that I was interested in the movie before but this just makes me even more uninterested. Dracula looked like John snow and everyone else looked like Mongolians. I don't see myself doing this one again unless it's walk on.

Was typed from the phone so I apologize for any auto corrects or lack of proper grammar.
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Giggles and Gore was great. I loved the finally with the room full of clowns. I had high hopes for Roanoke but I didn't like the act that I could see the ceilings.
this is my review, I will be focusing more on the sets, costumes and props Instead of how scary it was because all the actors were doing a great job and doing the best with what they had. It is more of a design review.

Roanoke: the house was a little bit boring for me. repetitive sets and ...the costumes were kind of plain,
the Ending surprise is nothing great, I didn't even get to see what the big deal was about Until I looked behind me and saw the "big surprise".
I know the house is technically a cannibal house but i wish they focused more on the Wendigo creatures in the story more than they did. having just one of them at the end kind of ruined it for me. I hate these concept houses. I wish there were wendigo creatures coming at me the whole time, I didn't get scared seeing the cannibals.

Dollhouse: Everything was amazing. The only way I could describe this house is as an "Abstract house". the sets are pretty insane, I loved everything from this house
The costumes were creative and creepy. I was surprised at how creative everything looked inside this house. Every room felt very different and every room had a special surprise to see. The Crib room was hilarious and bizarre. It made me laugh more than anything. Whoever made this up, Congratulations, one of the most twisted houses I've ever seen haha :lol:
I wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil everything. Best house of the night

AVP I will say this house has some of the best sets I've ever seen but at the same time I Think I had a bad run or I went during Cast change because I missed everything.
The sets make you feel like you are inside the movie, This is one of those houses when they could actually film a real movie inside. There is so much detail and so much work done in here. It was beautiful to look at.

But, I only saw the Alien puppets 3 times, and saw the predator only at the end, I saw all the human characters in the house but I barely saw the creatures. The 3 puppets that I did see were flawless. They look wonderful. The predator at the end is huge and looks amazing.
My only disappointment was not being able to see the creatures more. I have a feeling there are only a handful of aliens in the house which is sad (since last year the Werewolf house almost had a wolf in every room, I went into this house Expecting them to have an alien in almost every room the same way they did for the wolves.)
I really really hope i missed the predators due to cast change because I really wanted to see more of them.

Walking Dead: This house felt like if they took the Walking Dead house from 2012 and they took the Resident Evil sets from last year and they mixed them together to make this house. some of the problems the WD from 2012 and Resident evil had were felt in here for me.

The sets were great to look at, You really do follow Season 4 from beginning to end. but some of the walkers didn't have good places to hide, it reminded me a lot of Resident Evil in that sense. There were a lot of rooms where the walkers were just standing there (Just like RE)
Also, I know the house is supposed to have a lot more walkers in it but some rooms felt kind of empty oddly enough. I have to admit that the WD house last year was better for me. Also for some reason it felt like the house had too many lights. It was nice to see everything but at the same time it hurts the house because the walls look like cheap cardboard, some of the sets looked fake because of the lighting
(Like I Said, the problems those two houses I mentioned had are here but Doubled)

Dracula: I don't like this house. I hate that they use HHN to promote stuff. This should have been a tent house.
the sets were nice but they do get kind of repetitive as well, (for some reason Dracula, Roanoke and WD each feel repetitive to me, They are all different from each other obviously, but they kind of repeat themselves)
And again I just saw people in blood make up scaring people... I have no idea what happens in the movie but I was expecting to see scary creatures or monsters or something, It's weird, It definitely feels like an Action movie house. It was kind of boring.

The streets look pretty and the props and the sets look great, but The park feels empty.
Face off is way too small. They took 7 and shrunk it in size. the costumes look beautiful but the zone is just too small.
Bayou has the best props and the best atmosphere but it doesn't have enough actors.
The Purge has the best music in the park, and it is the scariest zone. It has the most energy for sure.
Maskerade is beautiful to look at and I love the costumes. But it feels too small.
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Ok so I went last night and did everything besides rocky horror. Had one of the best nights of my life and this year is just absolutely fantastic, not a really bad house in the bunch. My first impressions were WAY off. But anyways here are my house reviews from best to worst

1.Roanoke- absolutely unbelievable. The gore, costumes, history and especially the energetic cast made this one so up in your face and absolutely brutal. Such an amazing set too, really felt like you were in a colony. One of the best houses I've ever been in

2.halloween- two words, the movie. Literally scene for scene, death for death it was pretty remarkable. This one also got me the most with the trick or treaters and that god damn final Meyers. What else is there to say but spot on and to the point

3.Dollhouse- good lord the creative team of this event are incredibly messed up. From that antique smell, costumes and the bloody old hag grooming that dolls hair this house was disturbing and rubbed me the wrong way. The second I got in I wanted out and that was definitely a good thing

4.giggles- hilarious and completely messed up. Loved the interaction I had with some of the clowns and the scenes here are unlike any other. Interesting concept and the buzzer room was very unique

5.walking dead- I WAS WRONG!!!! After blasting this house the second I heard about it, it ended up being incredibly complete, scary and very enjoyable. Cast was on it and the varied themes made it very interesting to look at. Total blast

6.from dusk till dawn- the show was decent but the house was spectacular. Sexy vampires, barkers, snakes you name it it's all there. This house was very interesting to me because you could really never tell where anybody was coming from making the scares plentiful and surprising. Truly a great house

7.AVP- fanboys eat your heart out, I wasn't scared once and the face huggers were incredibly lame. This was a dummed down werewolf in every way and I could probably take my 10 year old brother through it without any tears. Only saving grace were the puppets and sets, everything else BLEH.

8.dracula untold- OH MY GOD HOW ORIGINAL!!!! Yeah I was bored and confused. Limited scares, bland sets and had no clue what was going on whatsoever. Would watching the movie help? Absolutely. Would it make me like the house any more? Probably not although it was fun to watch a nun being eaten

And just like that I'm on to scare zones best to worst. Seeing the map I had my hopes but I was wrong, all the scare zones were great but half the park was indeed empty. No unoffical scare zones whatsoever. Disappointing but hey atleast they were all good. But anyways back to the review

1.bayou of blood- the costumes and sets were amazing. Loved the interaction I had with the voodoo queen and it was overall a total blast

2.maskquerade- gorgeous costumes and theming, no scares whatsoever but who cares it was beautiful. The costume designer in me blew up

3.purge- simply put madness everywhere. The auction was fun and I loved the guy in the wheelchair cleansing his soul. Great cast but understaffed. Wanted way more

4.face off- this was basically a museum for me, walked from creature to creature observing the make up like an art exhibit. Very dull although the pirates and gypsys were awesome. Loved being called a string bean

And finally

Bill and ted- hilarious, most jokes hit spot on and my friend and I were crying at moments especially during the giant audience reaction out of frozen's parody song. Also sound my version of "the one" :drool:

So those were my thoughts on HHN this year. A total blast with barely any downsides. Wish I met some of you but hey that's what the next OU meet up is for. For those going I can't recommend express enough because that's how I did everything in one night plus rides and slurpee break. Hope you had as much fun reading this review as I did typing it and be excellent to each other!!!
Ok so I went last night and did everything besides rocky horror. Had one of the best nights of my life and this year is just absolutely fantastic, not a really bad house in the bunch. My first impressions were WAY off. But anyways here are my house reviews from best to worst

Very concise review! I must focus someone's attention on it. :wave:
Ok so I went last night and did everything besides rocky horror. Had one of the best nights of my life and this year is just absolutely fantastic, not a really bad house in the bunch. My first impressions were WAY off. But anyways here are my house reviews from best to worst

1.Roanoke- absolutely unbelievable. The gore, costumes, history and especially the energetic cast made this one so up in your face and absolutely brutal. Such an amazing set too, really felt like you were in a colony. One of the best houses I've ever been in

2.halloween- two words, the movie. Literally scene for scene, death for death it was pretty remarkable. This one also got me the most with the trick or treaters and that god damn final Meyers. What else is there to say but spot on and to the point

3.Dollhouse- good lord the creative team of this event are incredibly messed up. From that antique smell, costumes and the bloody old hag grooming that dolls hair this house was disturbing and rubbed me the wrong way. The second I got in I wanted out and that was definitely a good thing

4.giggles- hilarious and completely messed up. Loved the interaction I had with some of the clowns and the scenes here are unlike any other. Interesting concept and the buzzer room was very unique

5.walking dead- I WAS WRONG!!!! After blasting this house the second I heard about it, it ended up being incredibly complete, scary and very enjoyable. Cast was on it and the varied themes made it very interesting to look at. Total blast

6.from dusk till dawn- the show was decent but the house was spectacular. Sexy vampires, barkers, snakes you name it it's all there. This house was very interesting to me because you could really never tell where anybody was coming from making the scares plentiful and surprising. Truly a great house

7.AVP- fanboys eat your heart out, I wasn't scared once and the face huggers were incredibly lame. This was a dummed down werewolf in every way and I could probably take my 10 year old brother through it without any tears. Only saving grace were the puppets and sets, everything else BLEH.

8.dracula untold- OH MY GOD HOW ORIGINAL!!!! Yeah I was bored and confused. Limited scares, bland sets and had no clue what was going on whatsoever. Would watching the movie help? Absolutely. Would it make me like the house any more? Probably not although it was fun to watch a nun being eaten

And just like that I'm on to scare zones best to worst. Seeing the map I had my hopes but I was wrong, all the scare zones were great but half the park was indeed empty. No unoffical scare zones whatsoever. Disappointing but hey atleast they were all good. But anyways back to the review

1.bayou of blood- the costumes and sets were amazing. Loved the interaction I had with the voodoo queen and it was overall a total blast

2.maskquerade- gorgeous costumes and theming, no scares whatsoever but who cares it was beautiful. The costume designer in me blew up

3.purge- simply put madness everywhere. The auction was fun and I loved the guy in the wheelchair cleansing his soul. Great cast but understaffed. Wanted way more

4.face off- this was basically a museum for me, walked from creature to creature observing the make up like an art exhibit. Very dull although the pirates and gypsys were awesome. Loved being called a string bean

And finally

Bill and ted- hilarious, most jokes hit spot on and my friend and I were crying at moments especially during the giant audience reaction out of frozen's parody song. Also sound my version of "the one" :drool:

So those were my thoughts on HHN this year. A total blast with barely any downsides. Wish I met some of you but hey that's what the next OU meet up is for. For those going I can't recommend express enough because that's how I did everything in one night plus rides and slurpee break. Hope you had as much fun reading this review as I did typing it and be excellent to each other!!!

Every year Universal has a problem with the streets and they never have enough people working them, and every year they keep making the same mistake.
I really don't understand why they do this. They know people will complain about the streets being empty. It never made any sense to me
You Didn't Like AVP? That's probably the best house of the event!
Every year Universal has a problem with the streets and they never have enough people working them, and every year they keep making the same mistake.
I really don't understand why they do this. They know people will complain about the streets being empty. It never made any sense to me
You Didn't Like AVP? That's probably the best house of the event!

I definitely agree it's something that needs to be fixed. The disaster area was so weird empty and it would've made all the difference if it was full. Don't get me wrong I liked AVP along with every house of the event this year. Just compared to the others I wasn't that impressed with it especially with the gigantic "best house ever" hype surrounding it. Also I didn't find the aliens to be as impressive as the werewolves, not enough violent motion to get me through the room quicker