HHN 23: Favorite House | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 23: Favorite House

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What was you favorite house this year?

  • Havoc: Derailed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Resident Evil: Escape From Raccoon City

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Aug 17, 2009
What was your favorite house this year?

What was your initial most anticipated, what was your favorite at the beginning, what is your favorite now, your sleeper hit, etc.

Cabin was the best for me... beginning to end
La Lorna was most anticipated only because it was an original house.

To update mine and steal TD format
Least Favorite: Resident Evil
Initial Least Anticipated: Walking Dead
Sleeper Dud: Evil Dead
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Favorite: American Werewolf in London
Initial Most Anticipated: Afterlife
Favorite at the Beginning: American Werewolf in London (second favorite at the beginning: Cabin in the Woods)
Favorite Now: American Werewolf in London (second favorite now: Evil Dead)
Sleeper Hit: Evil Dead or La Llorona

and I might as well add...

Least Favorite: Havoc
Initial Least Anticipated: Evil Dead
Least Favorite at the Beginning: Resident Evil
Sleeper Dud: Resident Evil
My anticipated rankings:

1. Cabin in the Woods
2. Afterlife: Death Vengeance
3. HAVOC: Derailed
4. La Llarona
5. American Werewolf in London
6. Resident Evil
7. Evil Dead
8. The Walking Dead

My actual rankings

1. Cabin in the Woods
2. Evil Dead
3. American Werewolf in London
4. HAVOC: Derailed
5. Afterlife: Death's Vengeance
6. Resident Evil
7. La Llorona
8. The Walking Dead

2 and 3 are interchangeable for me. Evil Dead had an excellent cast while AWiL was great for the sets and puppets. Cabin in the Woods was the complete package, in my opinion.
American Werewolf was my most anticipated, favorite at the beginning, and favorite now. Cabin in the Woods was second for me with Evil Dead being the sleeper hit.

But here's my rankings overall:

1. An American Werewolf in London
2. The Cabin in the Woods
3. Evil Dead
4. Urban Legends: La Llorona
5. The Walking Dead: No Safe Haven
6. Resident Evil: Escape from Raccoon City
7. Afterlife: Death's Vengeance
8. HAVOC 2: Derailed
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My rankings..

1. An American Werewolf in London
2. Cabin in the Woods
3. Evil Dead
4. La Llorona
5. The Walking Dead
6. Resident Evil
7. Havoc: Derailed
8. Afterlife
AWiL all-around favorite house, but I think Evil Dead had the best cast, would be my #2. La Llorona #3.

As for the rest, CitW was good, but--surprisingly--I preferred the front half to the back half; ending needed more chaos and actors. I still think Havoc was underrated, with the opposite problem--excellent cast and scares in second half made up for a sometimes lackluster first half with the most annoying "ushers" in years. Resident Evil was a great idea on paper, but never felt adequately staffed, effects seems spotty. TWD was an average house that actually captured some aspects of the show, unlike last year. Afterlife felt thrown together, but the cast seemed to be having fun with it.
Top Tier
1. Evil Dead: Just because I've never seen a property translated so well from silver screen to haunted house
2. American Werewolf in London: I loved this house but I thought it was dead at first and I felt like the Tardis took away from the translation
3. Cabin In The Woods: Love the movie, house was good but felt clunky at points. Anti-climatic ending too.

Mid Tier
4. La Llorona: Aesthetically a great house.
5. Resident Evil: Most improved goes to you RE. Yay, RE!
6. Walking Dead: Better than the original iteration but I couldn't fall in love.

Bottom Tier
7. Havoc: Because nothing says a great idea like building a house based off the cast and not recasting 90% of them
8. Afterlife: Lol wut?
I was most excited for the original houses like Havoc, Afterlife, and La Llorona.

I ended up enjoying Evil Dead the most surprisingly, seeing the movie definitely helped that.

Walking Dead was a sleeper hit for me. I really just didn't enjoy the house last year, so it surprised me that I didn't mind it as much this year. Definitely don't want them to use it again though.

1. American Werewolf in London
2. Resident Evil
3. La Llorana
4. HAVOC: Derailed
5. Cabin in the Woods
6. Evil Dead
7. Afterlife: Death Vengeance
8. Walking Dead


1. Werewolf
2. Cabin
3. La Llorona
4. Resident Evil
5. The Walking Dead
6. Evil Dead
7. Havoc
8. Afterlife

The gap between #6 and #7 though is huge.
My anticipated
1. Ll Lorona
2. Resident Evil
3. An American Werewolf in London
4. Walking Dead
5. Havoc 2
6. Afterlife
7. Evil Dead
8. Cabin in the Woods

My List
2.Cabin in the Woods
3.Evil Dead
4.Ll Llorona
5.Resident Evil
7.Walking Dead
I think I had more scares in Evil Dead, and the ending to Evil Dead for me was better than Werewolf.
Evil dead freaked me out more so I guess Ill say Evil Dead.
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Top Tier
1. Evil Dead: Just because I've never seen a property translated so well from silver screen to haunted house
2. American Werewolf in London: I loved this house but I thought it was dead at first and I felt like the Tardis took away from the translation
3. Cabin In The Woods: Love the movie, house was good but felt clunky at points. Anti-climatic ending too.

Mid Tier
4. La Llorona: Aesthetically a great house.
5. Resident Evil: Most improved goes to you RE. Yay, RE!
6. Walking Dead: Better than the original iteration but I couldn't fall in love.

Bottom Tier
7. Havoc: Because nothing says a great idea like building a house based off the cast and not recasting 90% of them
8. Afterlife: Lol wut?

Sounds like we pretty much had the same opinions, though I could only attend the third weekend and thus have no idea how/to what extent Resident Evil improved... so I'd place it in the bottom tier between Havoc and Afterlife. Glad I'm not the only one who preferred Evil Dead to AWIL and thought Cabin was good, but not a masterpiece.
Sounds like we pretty much had the same opinions, though I could only attend the third weekend and thus have no idea how/to what extent Resident Evil improved... so I'd place it in the bottom tier between Havoc and Afterlife. Glad I'm not the only one who preferred Evil Dead to AWIL and thought Cabin was good, but not a masterpiece.

Me and you tend to share opinions, I've noticed. By the end of the run Resident Evil was pretty good. I place it in the spot it's in because they continually improved upon the house. First week it was pretty bad, but it got better. They added the giant green thing, put someone in the pause room (still dumb), added 2 actors in the opening scene, moved Nemesis to the ground in the finale, etc. The cast really gave it their all too. It wasn't a scary house, but they tried.

AWiL was GOOD, don't get me wrong, it however was not scary. None of them are REALLY scary, but at least Evil Dead was scary at first.
I only got to hit 5 houses this year, and out of those 5 here is my list

5. The Walking Dead: No Safe Haven
4. La Llorona
3. Havoc: Derailed
2. Cabin in the Woods
1. An American Werewolf in London
My anticipated
1. Cabin in the Woods
2. La Llorona
3. Afterlife
4. Evil Dead
5. Havoc 2
6. An American Werewolf in London
7. Resident Evil
8. Walking Dead

My List
1. Evil Dead
2. An American Werewolf in London
3. Cabin in the Woods
4. Walking Dead
5. Afterlife
6. Resident Evil
7. Havoc 2
8. Ll Llorona
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