HHN 27: The Horrors of Blumhouse | Page 3 | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 27: The Horrors of Blumhouse

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It once seemed to be an unpopular opinion to enjoy this house, but more and more guests are starting to come around. As I said in the main HHN27 review thread, I am not a fan of the Blumhouse films but this house ended up being a very close 2nd favorite to The Shining for me. I know most people think that Scarecrow is the scariest house this year, but my vote goes to Blumhouse.

On my first walk-through, I entered with extremely low expectations and left with a big grin while trying to convince the others in my party that they must be missing something in this house. I've walked through the house at least 5 times and on at least 2 of those occasions I was able to experience nearly every scare while walking through. My tip to anyone who hasn't had a good walk-through yet: go here after the stay & scream guests have mostly moved on, but before the main crowds have made their way to the back of the park. This is one house where you can sometimes go through totally alone and it really makes the experience so much better.

The 2nd Sinister room/hallway is pretty intimidating when the lights go out and the Baguls make their moves in the darkness. The 2nd Purge (Ouija) room/hallway does as much to entertain me as anything in both scare zone versions or the (Scream) house from HHN25. This isn't saying much, but I will say that I don't hate this particular scene. The first girls on the left (both casts) by the dinner table have decent timing and are fairly aggressive.

The house really picks up steam when you enter the Inisidious sections. From the aggressive Brides in Black to the Lipstick Demon behind his window following you along his hallway and scaring you at the end to the Key Face Demon (Insidious 4?) behind the shower(?) curtains using its' shadow and also the one after the woman with the baby carriage.

My favorite part of the house is the finale corridor. A few up close and personal scares that get uncomfortably within your personal space (in a good way). The standouts for me in the finale section are Bagul, the Lipstick Demon, and the Key Face Demon (not exactly sure it's the KeyFace Demon, but it's where guests push through some SIF and make a left u-turn out of the character's hallway. Whichever character it is, is straight ahead as you push through the SIF and if the timing is just right it is an amazing scare.)

I think most of the scareactors in this house are doing a great job of timing their scares just right and walking a good line between being creepy and aggressively scary. If I was rating each house just based on their casts alone, Blumhouse would probably be my #1.

And finally, the negatives. I really didn't care for the first Sinister scene, the first Purge scene or the large mostly empty room with the crib/bunkbed(?) from what I assume is Insidious 4.
And finally, the negatives. I really didn't care for the first Sinister scene, the first Purge scene or the large mostly empty room with the crib/bunkbed(?) from what I assume is Insidious 4.
The issue with the bunkbed scene is that the scare takes quite awhile to develop. You either hit it just right or you'll walk through a large room with pretty much no scares based on that.
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I saw a trigger pedal under the bunk bed a few times, but never saw anyone under there. What happened in this scene?
I assume you had this issue Wednesday. The character was out in both casts and few reserves came in for the event that day, resulting in holes.
I have to say, I am not really a big fan of this house. I have been in it 5 times now, and I feel they are trying to cram too much into one house. I know that a few people really like this house, and I get it. Just keep in mind these are just my personal opinions.

I think this would have been much better if they would have just focused on the Insidious series. I mean 70% of the house is Insidious anyways, and I believe they could have made things better just by focusing on one movie. I guess I am just trying to get at a quality over quantity type of thing.

I don't dislike it as much as Hive. But its is my second least favorite house!
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I have to say, I am not really a big fan of this house. I have been in it 5 times now, and I feel they are trying to cram too much into one house. I know that a few people really like this house, and I get it. Just keep in mind these are just my personal opinions.

I think this would have been much better if they would have just focused on the Insidious series. I mean 70% of the house is Insidious anyways, and I believe they could have made things better just by focusing on one movie. I guess I am just trying to get at a quality over quantity type of thing.

I don't dislike it as much as Hive. But its is my second least favorite house!

I see this as a fare opinion (and all opinions are valid to me).

My guess is the IP holder puts things in the contract for use...then creative does their thing.

The reason I think I liked this house is because I felt the cast really created something that was not there, it just felt a step above what I had seen in any house (events 22 through this year). There is just a lot of intimidating moments in the house or something and an over the top intensity to the cast, but hey, I only went through each house twice, maybe I just got lucky both times in this house....but I think others that give it props did not expect to or maybe they typically would not like a house such as this one...which again makes me think it is the cast and not the house elements or story or anything like that...
I see this as a fare opinion (and all opinions are valid to me).

My guess is the IP holder puts things in the contract for use...then creative does their thing.

The reason I think I liked this house is because I felt the cast really created something that was not there, it just felt a step above what I had seen in any house (events 22 through this year). There is just a lot of intimidating moments in the house or something and an over the top intensity to the cast, but hey, I only went through each house twice, maybe I just got lucky both times in this house....but I think others that give it props did not expect to or maybe they typically would not like a house such as this one...which again makes me think it is the cast and not the house elements or story or anything like that...

I respect that, and it is very true that you can get a totally different experience, depending on the night and timing of going through the house!
Maybe its because my expectations were low based on reviews but I really enjoyed this house. Went multiple times this past week and I can say for certain it was a memorable maze.

I’m really looking forward to Insidious 4. The WW II fallout shelter with the plastic boo holes was amazing. The Scareactor playing the Key Demon was outstanding and made great use of his environment. There are a lot of memorable rooms in each maze this year, but for me the Fallout Shelter was by far the creepiest ... kind of made the hair stand on the back of my neck. Really well done from the props, to the design, lighting, sound ... Scareactor ... amazing.

I also thought this maze had the best finale hands down of any maze.

For the Insidious fans out there, who is the character that appears in the first room (with body bags) right bef0re the The Bride in Black. Bald male ... is this supposed to be Parker Crane when he’s not dressed up as the Bride? He appears from an opening just to the right of the Bride .... I can’t place him.
Maybe its because my expectations were low based on reviews but I really enjoyed this house. Went multiple times this past week and I can say for certain it was a memorable maze.

I’m really looking forward to Insidious 4. The WW II fallout shelter with the plastic boo holes was amazing. The Scareactor playing the Key Demon was outstanding and made great use of his environment. There are a lot of memorable rooms in each maze this year, but for me the Fallout Shelter was by far the creepiest ... kind of made the hair stand on the back of my neck. Really well done from the props, to the design, lighting, sound ... Scareactor ... amazing.

I also thought this maze had the best finale hands down of any maze.

For the Insidious fans out there, who is the character that appears in the first room (with body bags) right bef0re the The Bride in Black. Bald male ... is this supposed to be Parker Crane when he’s not dressed up as the Bride? He appears from an opening just to the right of the Bride .... I can’t place him.

Elise's Dad apparently.
Elise's Dad apparently.

Yes, I think you are talking about the guy in the room with the bed. That is for sure her dad (nice guy he calls her a bitch) . However, I am wondering about this guy in the photo. I know the image quality is poor, but this was the best i could find.

He’s in the first Insidious room right before the black bride appears (with the body bags).
View attachment 5592

Yes, I think you are talking about the guy in the room with the bed. That is for sure her dad (nice guy he calls her a bitch) . However, I am wondering about this guy in the photo. I know the image quality is poor, but this was the best i could find.

He’s in the first Insidious room right before the black bride appears (with the body bags).

Pretty positive it's the same guy. They have basically the same attire.
Surprisingly the best part of this house for me was Sinister. The daughter got me really good--I actually yelled! I didn't get to experience the strobe Baghuul scare that some were raving about, unfortunately.

I would have loved to see more variety of films here--Get Out, for instance.
Surprisingly the best part of this house for me was Sinister. The daughter got me really good--I actually yelled! I didn't get to experience the strobe Baghuul scare that some were raving about, unfortunately.

I would have loved to see more variety of films here--Get Out, for instance.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see The Horrors of Blumhouse brought back down the line. It's getting great GSATs and Blumhouse has a pretty big library to pick from of well-known horror flicks.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see The Horrors of Blumhouse brought back down the line. It's getting great GSATs and Blumhouse has a pretty big library to pick from of well-known horror flicks.

I guess one of many things that suck about surveys, I doubt anyone would understand that it is the actors, the team in the house, not the content or the IP.

I know that is just my opinion...I mean Incidious was an incredible house and this one is nothing like that maze was, it was way better as an IP representation than this years...but I still feel the maze is loved this year because of the people working it and not because of the IPs being represented....
I wouldn't be surprised if we see The Horrors of Blumhouse brought back down the line. It's getting great GSATs and Blumhouse has a pretty big library to pick from of well-known horror flicks.

I guess one of many things that suck about surveys, I doubt anyone would understand that it is the actors, the team in the house, not the content or the IP.

I know that is just my opinion...I mean Incidious was an incredible house and this one is nothing like that maze was, it was way better as an IP representation than this years...but I still feel the maze is loved this year because of the people working it and not because of the IPs being represented....

While I agree that this was an actor made house, I don’t know how much that will pop up specifically on surveys. If the house was good, the house was good.

So I could see a “Volume 2” of this in the future. I believe Murdy in Hollywood said he already was considering one.
I guess one of many things that suck about surveys, I doubt anyone would understand that it is the actors, the team in the house, not the content or the IP.

I know that is just my opinion...I mean Incidious was an incredible house and this one is nothing like that maze was, it was way better as an IP representation than this years...but I still feel the maze is loved this year because of the people working it and not because of the IPs being represented....

specially since some rooms are so minimalistic. you have long stretches of hallways from room to room and then at the end walls just painted green.... it is nowhere near the best house set wise,
but this house is definitely creepy and Freaky with the actors and how scary they look, specially that Key demon from Insidious 4, that mask is really really freaky to look at.
this house is always scary. even the purge actors are pretty aggressive

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