HHN 31: Graveyard: Deadly Unrest | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 31: Graveyard: Deadly Unrest

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Apr 18, 2018

Graveyard: Deadly Unrest

On All Hallow's Eve, a dark storm descends upon a cemetery and awakens long-dead spirits. No one living can escape them
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From the Discover Universal podcast:

It will take all of Hollywood and turn it into an old, abandoned graveyard. There are two spectres or really kind of head Death Reapers. They are brothers: Death and Sleep. They are standing guard as you go through a gate, a broken down gate. As you go through, there's mausoleums, all sorts of different tombstones, etc. But they're there gathering the souls, taking the living to that special place where no one ever returns: eternal rest. So you'll have all the spirits wandering the streets trying to getcha.
Love that this is more ambitious in story/concept than “here are zombies, ghosts, and a reaper stilt in a nicely themed graveyard set.” Was already excited, but the details of the pitch sound great.
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Not really sure about this one. Thinking it might be cool to see but not sure on the rest. Death and Sleep sound cool and i'm ready to see them.
So it's like Winter's Night but as a SZ and no snow, with a new plot. Wouldn't be surprised if a "statue" scareactor returned for this.

I wonder what would happen if you played Games in this Graveyard.
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So it's like Winter's Night but as a SZ and no snow, with a new plot. Wouldn't be surprised if a "statue" scareactor returned for this.

I wonder what would happen if you played Games in this Graveyard.

Every Orlando thread - "they reused this float prop from 19dickety12!" "this is an exact copy of that other zone that turned into a house that also had ghosts in it but it's the same and also different!" "how dare they reuse an old concept but with a different take!"

There will naturally be some overlap in ideas and concepts. It's hard to come up with 100% unique ideas over the course of ~30 years of this event.
God, this zone is just so sick. The lack of a Shrek queue and Superstar allows them to make Hollywood just so dark. Like, literally dark, not lit up at all. The costumes are all really great and interesting and they treat the concept super seriously as opposed to all the zones that have been in this spot in the past.

I love that this year they are really rethinking all of the preconcieved notions of the zone locations. Hollywood doesn't have to be goofy or related to preppy culture like high school parades or fashion shows or film studios. NYC can be more than a post-apocalyptic city. San Fran and Central Park don't have to be inherently cramped beyond reason. Hollywood can be as serious and raw as a Central Park zone, and a Central Park zone idea can work wonders if given the wide space of NYC. Very excited to see how all of these zones grow over the event.
Definitely my favorite zone as of now. Absolutely love the darkness, the story, and THE COSTUMES!

Also some fun interactivity here with the mannerisms a lot of the ghosts do.
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I want to like this scarezone more, but the only unique human ghosts are the twins (which are PERFECT). Wish there was a little more variety because all the guys in the zone look like they're wearing the same Pee-Wee Herman suits.
OMG IS DARK. Like actually dark where you can't see sometimes. Wow. ..... DARK. Can't property see the sets or actors without the lighting flashes .
This quickly went from my least favorite to my favorite tonight. On opening night, the energy just wasn't there. Tonight everything was on point and its the first time I've had chills in a scare zone in a long time.
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This quickly went from my least favorite to my favorite tonight. On opening night, the energy just wasn't there. Tonight everything was on point and its the first time I've had chills in a scare zone in a long time.
the light up mask is very crazy. big shock. the super tall skeletons are really awesome. this area is so dark. it really becomes something creepy
thank god for no parade lol
No doubt currently my favorite zone. Lots of great stuff all around in here. Really happy for it not to be a photo op zone like it has been for the last umpteen years...

Already crowning TRex Ghost as winner of the event though (some others are calling it the Backpack Ghost)
Favorite zone this year. So dark and creepy. Lighting is perfect. Love the statue actor and the twins.
Wife and I were walking through and approached the stage not knowing the little “show” was about to start and were suddenly surrounded in close proximity by about 7 scare actors as death or sleep or whoever started their spiel. Gave me goosebumps and the first time ive ever had a fight or flight response in a zone where we both looked at each other and said “let’s get out of here quick.” lol. Fantastic.
From what I've seen of this zone, I'm not a fan of SZs being nearly completely dark. It is more annoying than scary. A flash of light here/there doesn't cut it. Everyone else seems to love it, but I find that it takes away from any & all set detail.

I'm sure the scareactors are great in person.
From what I've seen of this zone, I'm not a fan of SZs being nearly completely dark. It is more annoying than scary. A flash of light here/there doesn't cut it. Everyone else seems to love it, but I find that it takes away from any & all set detail.

I'm sure the scareactors are great in person.

I feel like they added more light this weekend. Past weekend was Super dark. Now it feels like they added more.
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