How did you close out HHN 32? | Inside Universal Forums

How did you close out HHN 32?

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Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2017
Isle Delfino
I figure there were some rumblings of people doing this so I figure this could be a fun way to gather some stories together!

If you were at the event until closing time at 2am on November 4th, what House, Zone, Show, character encounter, cast, etc did you choose to close out with? Why did you choose that one specifically? And do you have any fun stories from it?

I was able to close out with Cast B Jungle of Doom's last set around 1:30am, which was a lot of fun with some encounters with Scareactor of the Year Oddfellow stealing some final souls, playing with the plant creature, Mantis, and Panther, and hitting that show scene trigger again and again. It all ended up getting a big crowd together with lots of energy! Great fun there.

After sprinting to hit one last run of Darkest Deal, who were hitting on all cylinders for a 10/10 final run, SO and I were able to close out at 2AM with Monsters Unmasked. Lots of sweet gestures from the whole cast. Phantom's were either swinging at us full force or taking their final bows. As key members of the Invisible Man Fan Club, SO and I were pleased that SO was able to hold one of their hands and I was able to fistbump the Robed Arm from the ceiling. The Hyde victims both shot out hearts to the conga, so did Jekyl, while the Hyde's hit their cues with force, ending off with Hunchback just bouncing up and down on his pulley system like no tomorrow haha! Great last run and I love watching B79 spill out as the Ops team relieves the performers of their stations to go celebrate outside. Getting to see the same for TLoU on the walkout was great fun too.

Closing an HHN house or zone is rarely brought up on these boards, but I feel like those moments have become some of the most special memories I've ever had at the event, and I urge anyone who hasn't been able to before, and has the opportunity, to join in come HHN33! I hope this thread can bring together some great anecdotes from last night!
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I'll probably never do that, since I don't ever stay in a park that late, but this thread is a great idea. Hoping you get a lot of good stories.
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Starting on week 3, I would always just loop Oddfellow's and Darkest for the last half hour, as they were my favorite houses and both house casts would begin recognizing me. Every night onward, I would almost always be the last guest through Darkest for the night, the other usually being a fellow superfan named Courtney.

Got to see the ending of Shipyard Cast B, as Batricia bashed the cage and broke the fairy out, and the entire cast came together for a big group hug. Very emotional and just fun to see.

Made my way over to Twisted Origins, with lots of hugs and fist bumps for my 111th and final runthrough. Finally, as I was getting ready to close out Darkest one last time, a bunch of huge groups were already camping to also be the last guests. However, team leaders and ops really came through here and made sure I was the last guest alongside Courtney, as I did my 160th and final run through of Bub's Lounge, with lots of applauding, cheers, and crying.

Afterward, as both the Twisted and Darkest casts exited for the last time, about a solid 15-20 minutes of a standing ovation from the closing crowds. I got to share hugs and socials with a lot of the scareactors + crew, as we all said our goodbyes to the houses and HHN 32. Core memory right there. :,)
I was the last guest to be let through Exorcist this year. I did a slow walk to try and get a solo run through the house, but soon after a big group of what I'm assuming were team members came up behind me in line. All of them were super rowdy and clapping the entire time. It was like I was leading a parade or something. Very fun walkthrough and it was great seeing the scare actors trying not to crack a smile.