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Nevermore: The Madness of Poe

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HD video preview of Nevermore:


I'm so pumped! I can't wait for this!!
Another review from @cfl_halloween:
Nevermore is amazing in detail, execution, and is plainly told the story of Poe from starting to drink to plain drunk at the end.
On twitter I believe I named my top 3. I don't want to let people get biased opinions off my rankings though. Albeit, I'll prob have one up tomorrow.
I didn't make it into this house tonight. :\ It was a 120 minute wait right after Bill and Ted (expected) and when we went back later after midnight, it was closed. I've heard good things though and I hope to go check it out soon!
Definitely one of the best houses I went through last night. Best Sprung house and maybe best house ever. Lots and lots of details.
The should have had the weirdo Raven people on a bungee instead of just having them stand there awkwardly. I think the fact that the same costume is seen on the Grown Evil street detracts from it, too.
I really enjoyed this house last night, maybe I just got lucky but it seemed like there were scares coming from just about everywhere in just about every room.

At around 7 yesterday the house was closed for "technical difficulties", I ended up running over to bloodngutz and doing that before the 730 Bill and Ted. After the show around 815 the house was back up and running again. Anyone know what was up?
I also got some great scares in this house, specifically in the Raven room and the Red Death room. The actors were really into their roles when I went through on opening night.
I dont know if anyone noticed this effect, but:
During the window scene, if you are in the room long enough the window shoots water when it breaks.
So does anyone know which Nevermore is better. HHN or HOS?

I've heard multiple mixed reviews. Jake, hatetofly, and I will be attending both events and doing a comparison article later on in the haunt season though! :thumbs: