New Flickr | Inside Universal Forums

New Flickr

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Jul 10, 2012
Brooklyn NY
Since a lot of us use Flickr for our photo sharing, I thought you guys might like to know about the new Flickr. The site is redesigned to have less links and bigger photos and it looks pretty nice. Every user now gets 1TB of storage for free as well. The new look is live now.

Edit: Flickr Pro is gone. You can pay to remove adds or get more storage, but paying for more features is gone
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I'm just slightly miffed about the 1TB storage for free as I got Pro late last year mostly for the unlimited storage, but I guess since the stats are staying a Pro feature that's not too bad, although I would really appreciate (well, expect would be the correct word, but I'm trying to be positive) a better stats system if that's going to be the main feature of Pro, which is what it looks like so far. The new layout is...awkward for me at the moment, probably because I had gotten so comfortable with the information I used to be able to see on the front page. They say the info featured will mostly stay the same, and I guess since I haven't had any recent comments or favs on my photos I wouldn't see that, so another thing I can't yet comment on fully.

Overall I'm just on the positive side of "meh," but I'm hoping it grows on me...quickly.

Oh, and one other thing. While the very high level of storage may encourage some of the great hobby photographers to post more great photos without worry of hitting a limit, I'm more concerned that this will result in average or worse snapshots flooding the site, and possibly activity feeds. I know the free account's limit pushed me to be more selective and better at editing, choosing, and even shooting photos, and I still try to keep that focus even with unlimited storage with a Pro account.
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I'm just slightly miffed about the 1TB storage for free as I got Pro late last year mostly for the unlimited storage, but I guess since the stats are staying a Pro feature

Well, not anymore. As I just edited my post to say, Pro accounts are gone. You can pay $49/year for no ads or $499.99 per year for 2TB of storage. Paying for features is gone.
I really hope it doesn't turn into Instagram.

I haven't dove too deep yet into the new Flickr besides checking it out here on my phone. I will say I like how it looks, more modern for sure.

P's. Flickr for iPhone is so much better than Flickr for Android
And Flickr just lost my money if those are my only pay options. I like knowing where my views are coming from to know where to try and push to get a little more recognition, but with ad blocking software and not needing to worry about hitting the 1TB limit (seriously, even with 24MP images I couldn't come close by the time a better competitor pops up with how critical I am, let alone my current 10MP images), the stats they currently have aren't really worth the price of Pro let alone the new prices. Unless they release some more compelling reasons, I'll be bumping down to a free account when my Pro expires and just deal with the loss of stats.
And Flickr just lost my money if those are my only pay options. I like knowing where my views are coming from to know where to try and push to get a little more recognition, but with ad blocking software and not needing to worry about hitting the 1TB limit (seriously, even with 24MP images I couldn't come close by the time a better competitor pops up with how critical I am, let alone my current 10MP images), the stats they currently have aren't really worth the price of Pro let alone the new prices. Unless they release some more compelling reasons, I'll be bumping down to a free account when my Pro expires and just deal with the loss of stats.

I found out that you can continue to pay for your Pro account and receive the same features you have now but you can no longer purchase a Pro account, so if you let your account close, you will lose the option to get a Pro account.
That's much better news...still on the fence, though. I'll definitely be watching their stats system to see if they make some changes and improvements, which will likely be the deciding factor.
Whats changed with the stats?

On a different note, I noticed the past few weeks I've been getting between 1,000 and 3,000 hits a day and about 3/4 of those hits are on just one picture and that's a huge amount of hits for me. Before that I would average 300-400 daily so this was a shock. Stats don't really show much but I did find that someone linked a photo on their Tumblr and it sky rocketed there. I really don't know much about Tumblr and want sure how I felt about people posting my photos on their page but it does link back to my page so I guess that's ok.
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Stats don't really show much but I did find that someone linked a photo on their Tumblr and it sky rocketed there. I really don't know much about Tumblr and want sure how I felt about people posting my photos on their page but it does link back to my page so I guess that's ok.

Since Yahoo now owns Tumblr and Flickr (they just hate E's, I guess), I was actually hoping for some sort of merger or easy sharing between the two. I don't like Tumblr because I just don't get it. It seems to be great if you like roleplaying and becoming obsessed with a TV show, but besides that it has little function for me. However, as you just said, it is very easy for something to spread around to many people quickly. I haven't been taking photos like I used to years ago but I'm hoping to buy a new camera this year, once I do that, I think I might start posting my photos to Tumblr.
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One thing I'm hopeful for with Yahoo integrating Tumblr is cross-site stats. As it is now it is practically impossible to really see how much of a reach your pictures have on Tumblr and how much they've truly been reblogged, as you would have to follow ever reblog after the initial user reposts it to their Tumblr. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my SSE images is nearing 5 (maybe 6) figure reblogs (I've followed 20 reblogged links to see hundreds of reblogs at each user's post), even though I rarely see more than 10 hits from Tumblr on any individual photo in my Flickr stats. In fact, I rarely see more than 20 "declared" sites in my stats list for a typical day with 200+ views, including Flickr views, so 90% of those views aren't "able to be positively tracked" according to Flickr and show up as hits from Unknown Sources.