Remember that terrible Universal game? | Inside Universal Forums

Remember that terrible Universal game?

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Aug 12, 2021
Posting in this forum since Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure was based on the Japan park and had a Japan only remake.

So yeah in 2001 (the same year Universal Studios Japan opened), Kemco released a game based on Universal theme parks for the Nintendo GameCube where they had mini games based on Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, Backdraft, Waterworld, The Wild West, Jaws, ET, and Waterworld. Only the Back to the Future and Waterworld games resembled the ride counterparts. Pretty much everybody hated it, though there was a Japan remake that did improve on it.

You can see the hallabuloo by either AVGN or Expedition Theme Park.

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The only theme park video game I ever played (hell one of the few games I ever played- I’m not a gamer) was Shamu’s Deep Sea Adventures (Seaworld) which I’m pretty sure was also a GameCube title. It sucked too and I’m not sure if I even finished the game. Still the concept of video games based on theme parks interest me and I wonder if someday we’ll get a good one.
I had it as a young kid it was what connected me to Universal even with never having been before.
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Never played it but always wanted to. I did play the heck out of this one as a kid:

Aw man, I loved this game as a kid. I've played it occasionally with friends recently and I still love it, just in a different way :lol: . It's some grade-A Shovelware to make fun of with a few drinks and some UOTMs.

E.T. and Jaws were my favorites. The Jurassic game is on the lower end, just way too long and the gun is super imprecise!

Never played it but always wanted to. I did play the heck out of this one as a kid:


I remember this one vividly too. It was a parent that let me play their old copy.
Was it better than the other game?
Well, it was basically the same thing just a few generations behind lol. You walked around the park and the rides were minigames. Some of the platforming ones were alright like PotC and Haunted Mansion. Autopia and BTMR were just NES cheese difficulty, no fun to be had there.
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A comment from the AVGN video said this was what the game was supposed to be:

At the request of the person... I will not mention who it was, but I have a family member who worked on this game. The original concept was: The arcade room was going to be the place you'd earn tokens to go on rides. Arcade games were ranging from Universal trivia or puzzle games. Winning would give you tokens where you could go to the rides of major films. Each film would be a genre related 2D classic video game. For example: Back to the Future was going to be a beat em up but side scrolling like Metal Slug, set in the western era of the third movie but instead of a gun Marty had a whip (I assume the whip instead of a gun was because this was when games were being attacked by soccer moms complaining about the violence in video games). Jurassic Park was a top down racing game with the SUV from the movie, had to dodge tar spitting dinos or else the T-Rex at the bottom of the screen would catch up to you . E.T. was possibly a space shooter with ET trying to get home but they canned the idea before going into detail about it.

I guess when Kemco took over they scrapped some pieces.