Scarezones - Locations and Number of Them | Inside Universal Forums

Scarezones - Locations and Number of Them

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Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2019
Brian, feel free to delete this if there is another thread but there didn't seem to be a lively thread about this topic.

Anyway, I have been curious about how HHN has seemingly stuck to a formula since 25 of having 5 scarezones.

I've been pondering if they will ever attempt a different number again. For awhile we got 6 scarezones across the board. Now we are at 5 which seems to be the middle ground.

I guess I'm curious if anyone thinks they will ever do more or less scarezones? Maybe more importantly, whether they need to at all. For now it seems 5 will be the staple.

I'm also curious whether anyone thinks it will help if they have more scarezones, or less scarezones but make them larger?

Scarezones this year seemed like a step in the right direction and curious whether they'll stick to 5 for now given people seemed to enjoy them much more this year then in the last few years. That being said, they were still sometimes hard to walk through, especially Scarecrow.

I'm interested in scarezones so much cause they are the part of the event that seems to change the most.
My favorite year for streets was 2008, and I can place very easily why. It was VERY immersive, houses flowed into streets, and the 6 scarezones for the most part were very fun and strong. The fact that they had 4 unofficial zones was great to me.

I like that this year there is an actual "Roaming" horde, but I feel like 5 streets, with 1 unofficial scarezones isn't enough. I get why, and I don't think the event will ever revert to that much street again due to operations, but it was fun while it lasted and I'm glad I got to see it.
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There's really nowhere else for them to put zones, but I do think they should expand the generic Halloween theming throughout the park. It shocks me that in the Instagram culture we live in they don't add more dedicated photo op locations outside the zones that don't require actors.

I do think that death eaters should find their way to Diagon - would help alleviate some of the crowds.
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There's really nowhere else for them to put zones, but I do think they should expand the generic Halloween theming throughout the park. It shocks me that in the Instagram culture we live in they don't add more dedicated photo op locations outside the zones that don't require actors.

I do think that death eaters should find their way to Diagon - would help alleviate some of the crowds.
This is what I’m thinking too. Maybe add props and decorations here in there outside of the 5 main scarezones to give the park a little more atmosphere in between.

And yes, I’m am with you there 100%. We live in the selfie/Instagram age now and people keep wanting selfies with the Scareactors and such. I actually thought they had a decent idea when they had the ice cream truck with some Klowns out in front of the Killer Klowns House in 29. Gave people a photo op opportunity. I don’t know how much it helps though when it comes to preventing as much photo taking in the scarezones but I feel something is better than nothing.

So yeah I think 5 is what they may stick to, but you idea of them expanding props to other areas isa great idea. I mean we have the Chucky photo op on the bridge, you could just have props here in there throughout the park to help fill it out. Especially near the MIB area. You could have them without impeding crowd flow if they put them off to the side or so.

Also yes to the Death Eaters in Diagon. I believe they have clearance, and it would absolutely spread the crown out much better.