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Universal Great Britain

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A question for the Bedford fellas, do we know what the Kawasaki-riding amigos are actually up to yet? My curiosity needs satisfying :p.
Oh did I mention the now under construction battery storage on the a421 next to the site of the old brick makers arms pub, you won't find anything on a map yet but it's there.

Is that why there was an orange digger on the slither of land between the a421 and Woburn Road opposite where the pub used to be?

I’m guessing it’s this thing?

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Watched @ProjectUniversalUK 's new video. Seems like they took a sample from the big dirt pile and doing a borehole. For those more informed, is it normal to do a borehole on an old industrial site? I assume it's to make sure the ground wasn't contaminated or anything.
Just seen a picture from a soap star on instagram from the national television awards 2023.

Random I know but the backdrop where the celebs have their photos taken had the sponsors listed.

Universal Destinations & Experiences was one of them.

A small thing, but I don’t think they’ve ever sponsored an event like this in the UK before. Not the NTAs anyway.

This was in September as well, before any of this news became apparent. Subliminal messaging was already taking place or maybe I’m looking at it wrong haha


Just checked. They weren’t a sponsor in 2022.
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I admire your confidence in our current and future environmental policies.

There is zero chance of this being blocked on net zero.
I don’t think it’ll be blocked because of net zero but it’ll almost certainly involve a lot more paperwork.

Every big infrastructure project now needs to prove they’re going to hit certain markers.

It’s an extra cost.

One of the reasons why HS2 has ballooned in cost is due to the fact it was touted as the greenest railway in the world.

Miles and miles are being tunnelled so certain areas aren’t disrupted, the tunnelling has cost billions and billions more. If this wasn’t being done the northern leg would have happened.

Making something ‘green’ does cost more. They can afford it but it’s a ball ache and expensive.
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I highly doubt one of the reasons they would go against building it would be "too much paperwork"
I never said they’d go against it.

I’m just saying it’s one reason why investing in the UK is so difficult.

I know people who deal with some big infrastructure projects. The paperwork they have to submit when it comes to net zero and being green or whatever you want to call it is ridiculous.

I’m not saying it’ll put universal off but it’s expensive and quite frankly off putting.

The fact is there’s a net zero target that’s government led. A project of this size is going to scrutinised in that respect and they’ll have to prove they’ll hit targets etc.

That costs not only more money but time.

It’s just a fact of life in the UK.
We’re not bad on paperwork by Western European standards.

Paperwork exists everywhere. They have legions of people to sort that.
There are.

But when people ask why infrastructure projects ballon in cost in the UK paperwork and net zero paperwork is one of the main issues.

Universal can afford it but to a lot of business’s it’s off putting.

Anyway I’m not debating green credentials haha but Universal Destinations & Experiences advertising at an awards show for the masses last year is interesting no?
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Net Zero isn't some concept that Universal would've been blind to when deciding upon building here. They'll be completely aware of what paperwork would need filing and the costs involved with it. You forget that Comcast as a company own Sky and have connections to the UK, they'll be well abreast of the nuances and intricacies of our government and government led projects.

Frankly of all the reasons a project like this could be delayed or see costs balloon, Net Zero isn't one I think would be high on the list. Universal would come fully understanding what will be required and the paperwork involved and there's no need to be worrying about it.

The idea that 'paperwork' could derail this project seems absurd, these aren't a two-bit company trying to build a Theme Park for the first time in a market they have no connection to. Universal are bonafide and Comcast behind them has a huge presence in the UK now.
It derails many projects, but I don’t think it’ll derail this. They can afford to get past it.

I’m talking more about the UK as a whole, our planning system and the stipulations that are put in place.

For some the costs are to expensive. Like I said HS2 has been derailed by ‘green’ costs whether it was the green costs up front or NIMBYs wanting it more ‘green’ and hidden.

Billions upon billions have been spent on tunnels in areas where the rich live, money that could and should have been spent on the northern leg that was cancelled.

I’m not being combative, I have friends who work in this field and I work on the outskirts, the paperwork is immense, universal will get past it but like I said many businesses don’t which make the UK in general an unattractive place to invest for a lot of companies.
I’ve had a quick search and not found anything that points to net zero as the primary cause for HS2 failure.
HS2 hasn’t failed… it’s just been cut into thirds.

I never said it’s failed… you’re looking for things I never said.

Look at the cost. How much does it cost to do X because we’re focused on Y.
OK, I can’t find anything that suggests net zero as the primary reason that HS2 was cut into thirds
I never said it was a primary reason.

I said ‘One of the reasons why HS2 has ballooned in cost is due to the fact it was touted as the greenest railway in the world.’

In order to appear as one of the greenest railways in the world with the help of NIMBYs miles and miles have been tunnelled, particularly under rich conservative areas funnily enough.

These tunnels have been used as a basis for the projects green credentials, they’re not disturbing areas of natural beauty etc.

Funnily enough they’re mentioned here -

The cost of tunnelling compared to digging a ditch so the track is below ground level has cost the project billions upon billions more.

I never said net zero is the cause, it’s a factor and I said it’s more paper work (which it is) and it costs more money (which it does).

I also never said HS2 had ‘failed’.

HS2 is touted as the greenest railway, that cost money, that is being done to meet net zero targets. That’s the simple truth. Green initiatives aren’t cheap.

Also like Alicia said if they can’t hit targets they offset and that costs £££
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We've got to hope that the government labour or conservative see this as an amazing opportunity for the country and give universal an easy ride and plenty of incentives.
Ok here is my pitch for the park.

Universal Studios Metropoli Theme Park.

It is as if USF and Epic had a love child.

You enter the park straight on to the central Lagoon like Epic. No "Main Street". At the back is the grand hotel, like Epic. But surrounding the Lagoon are 4 Cityscapes. Hollywood, New York, London and Tokyo.

Each city will have a "Portal" themed to a theater in the back, and also a secondary attraction in the City area.

Hollywood: a typical Universal Hollywood area with the Chinese Theater in the back. The large marquee and giant posters say Jurassic World: Something Something. You enter the theater/portal and pop out in Isla Nublar. A full blown land similar to HTTYD in Epic but instead of the tall skinny mountain you have the Innovation Center with the JWA ride from Beijing inside. There is also a family launch coaster and a flat.

The secondary ride in the Hollywood section would be a Universal based GMR using classic Universal IP like JAWS, BTTF, Psycho, Monsters, etc. themed like the USH tram tour, utilizing the Kong/F&F ride system. Have the shark attack the "tram" like it attacks the tram in Hollywood. Use the 360 tunnel for BTTF.

London: I don't know what the most famous movie theater in London is but that facade/Portal and the marquee would be showing Lord Of The Rings: Something Something. Enter the theater, exit the portal into Middle Earth land. Universal Creative do your thing.

The secondary attraction in London would be a bookshop facade that houses a Paddington ride similar to, but more charming than SLOP Hollywood.

Tokyo: again movie theater/portal showing Mario's and Luigi's Excellent Adventure! (Full blown Nintendo Land)

Secondary attraction would be Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift Coaster!

New York:

(OK here is where I go totally off the rails, but bare with me.)

New York:

Secondary attraction: KONG!

It also uses the Kong/F&F ride system, but uses a lot of the practical effects from Earthquake. You leave the bus stop and round the corner where a practical set shows crumbling buildings, sparking power lines, a broken fire hydrant geyser and just general destruction, as the bus crosses the Roosevelt Bridge you see Kong the first time destroying the city. Leave the bridge into the 360 tunnel where Kong chases you, catches you, looks into the bus for his love, puts you down and turns around and walks off, bus speeds off into the final scene with a screen showing Kong on top of the Empire State Building swatting at planes.

Theater/Portal: Gershwin Theater on Broadway where Wicked has played for 21 years. You enter the theater/portal. Boom, Oz!

Since Potter is off the table, Glinda and Elphaba interactive wands. This is where they would use the Forbidden Journey ride system for Glinda's Bubble E Ticket and a B&M Flyer Flying Monkey coaster would be.

Ok this is just a rough up. Let me know what you think. Would you pay money to go to this park?
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I hope they make it like an American theme park instead of an outdoor themed park like Alton Towers. I'd love to see lots of buildings.
We’re not bad on paperwork by Western European standards.

Paperwork exists everywhere. They have legions of people to sort that.
Exactly right. Worth remembering that Universal has negotiated the multitude of requirements, legislation, cultural differences and national norms to develop theme parks in Japan, Singapore and China, in addition to California and Florida. To think that they will be defeated by the UK’s way of doing business seems to underestimate the abilities of this global, multibillion dollar company, by a considerable margin. So far they have been given the warmest of welcomes by local and national politicians, and overwhelming support in a public consultation. I don’t think for one moment there are any insurmountable barriers to Universal investing in the UK and making a healthy return on that investment.
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