HHN '18: JABBAWOCKEEZ | Inside Universal Forums


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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
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I thought multiple insiders were saying we were getting an entirely new show and no Jabba? Was that just a false lead like most of this has been?
I thought multiple insiders were saying we were getting an entirely new show and no Jabba? Was that just a false lead like most of this has been?

Not entirely.

I was told of a show that could or couldn't of happened, primarily due to the tone of the show that was being proposed, and what it was doing.

At the end of the day, it seemed like things didn't work out for that show; and that the only other thing I knew outside of that was that there would be a show of some sort.
Not entirely.

I was told of a show that could or couldn't of happened, primarily due to the tone of the show that was being proposed, and what it was doing.

At the end of the day, it seemed like things didn't work out for that show; and that the only other thing I knew outside of that was that there would be a show of some sort.

I would have loved to know what the alternate show option would have been..
I thought multiple insiders were saying we were getting an entirely new show and no Jabba? Was that just a false lead like most of this has been?
Just a false lead and hopeful anticipation. I do not believe Penn & Teller were ever really considered. I had heard talk of Jabbaz as early as January.
I'd rather take Potter with the Nighttime Lights (with no pyro) than having Jabba for a 4th year; but it is what it is.
Why no pyro. Do you think the show is better without it?
Why no pyro. Do you think the show is better without it?

I don't think the show is better off without it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that would be something that they may possibly have to measure, consdering how late HHN can sometimes go.

Perhaps I am wrong, but that's my thought process.

Just a false lead and hopeful anticipation. I do not believe Penn & Teller were ever really considered. I had heard talk of Jabbaz as early as January.

I wouldn't be shocked if you are more than right on that to me, as in all retrospective; things occurred to where I was fed false tidbits that I am angry that I believed of.
Good point on the fireworks. I don't think they can shoot them after 10PM

When I first heard the buzz of P&T (February) I looked at their website and saw dates in Vegas all but one week in October. Kinda figured it was wishful thinking throwback to 1992. They are far more busy (and expensive) than they were 26 years ago. Didn't think Universal would spring for that for four shows...
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Oh look... the cliche Jabbawockeez hate is in full force, what a shock. This kind of negative attitude towards them was fine due to them just revamping their 2015 show into a better version for 2016's event. But considering the amount of time & effort they put into last year's show, the hate is uncalled for. If you turned your nose up & skipped last year's show, you missed out on something great. They had a pre-show/queue video while waiting to be let in. Then the actual show itself had a (simple) alien (Jlien) themed plot complete with beginning, middle & end. They even found a great way to showcase their female Jabbawockee- "Alize".

Combining gravity-defying choreography, stunning special effects, heavy-hitting music and their unique brand of humor, get ready for another adrenaline-raising experience.
You forgot the important part:
"The group’s signature moves and brand of humor will create an exclusive experience for guests in which the Jabbawockeez crew defies space and time in a pulse-pounding, action-packed performance to save the planet from a society obsessed with social media."

It seems like the Jlienz are returning. Curious to see how this is executed.
I've seen all three shows they've done at least twice each year. They're essentially the same thing over and over, hitting the same beats story-wise and similar dance movements, just with different songs. The laser segment and Alize were nice, but didn't help the overall score of the show. I love dance crews and even this is wearing thin on me, as there could be something truly special in here. Bill and Ted had it's ups and downs, but that made the good years of that show seem all the better. And they're literally only here because they're faceless and non-speaking, gearing towards Universal's agenda to be inoffensive after B&T and the auctioneer. I understood year one and two, tolerated the third year and enjoyed it for what it's worth, but it's time for Uni to MOOOOOOVE OOOOON. I think it's mostly aggravating not so much for the quality of the shows (they're fine), but what it represents for the event being neutered.
Personally I'm more offended they didn't go with a horror theme because their comedy gimmick would work very well in vein of Abbott & Costello.... plus their minions could've been referred to as "Zombi-wockeez".

And last year was light years better than the first two & were not on the same level. Sure they're similar because they insist on that awful "pull a person from the audience" crap, but other than that no. Last year they pulled out old-school Jabba routines which apparently the fans loved. Not sure how having two find 3 things to fix their Wocketship is the same as their "Dreamz" show with its balance of light/dark.
I wish AoV would come back to Hollywood. Last year’s Jabbawockeez was pretty good IMO and it was cool seeing them there since I went to Vegas later that month and didn’t even realize they were that big. After this year though they should really try to find a new act
Sadly, Orlando seems to have stolen AoV from us for good. They were enjoyable during the After Party nights in 2015.

The event doesn't need a new act, they just need to grow a pair & actually have shows in general. The problem is, Universal would rather roll over & play dead than stand their ground. Plus their is that pesky noise ordinance :bs: they have to deal with every night.