Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 184 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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This Spec Season is seriously turning into a joke, we cant say anything or discuss findings anymore. What's the point in talking about things then if we only cause harm. This isn't directed at anyone, just a general frustration. This just goes against what these forums were made for, discuss and speculate. Feels like we cant even do that now....... ooh how the times have changed :rolleyes:

You literally just saw a mod tell you that people’s livelihoods could be endangered by straight up leaking information. Nobody’s saying you can’t speculate on all the possibilities, but it should not be a difficult ask to show a little bit of care & concern when it comes to openly leaking information.

Your being able to know something rightthisverysecond is not more important than other people’s jobs.
Note on Leaks
And now we enter this stage of the annual spec: The "We Can't Say Anything Even Though We Clearly Can Since We've Already Spoiled The Entire Reveal" phase. We're four months out and even despite the chaos of it all, we have close to the entire house lineup figured out it seems (possibly even the whole thing and some street info). Hell, it feels like we have more clarity on the originals than usual even. Not wanting some specific actor casting leaked isn't a "times have changed" situation. It's something insiders have avoided doing forever now and is common decency. I know it's fun to speculate this silly little Halloween event every year, but these are real people with real jobs on the line.

This is the unfortunate reality of the social media and influencer era getting bigger and bigger. More people are willing to risk it all to post the big scoops without protecting their sources (see the above comment about a YouTuber apparently doing the same), less care is put into verifying info, and everything gets messier & messier.

You literally just saw a mod tell you that people’s livelihoods could be endangered by straight up leaking information. Nobody’s saying you can’t speculate on all the possibilities, but it should not be a difficult ask to show a little bit of care & concern when it comes to openly leaking information.

Your being able to know something rightthisverysecond is not more important than other people’s jobs.

Framing these replies. I suspect we'll need them again.
You literally just saw a mod tell you that people’s livelihoods could be endangered by straight up leaking information. Nobody’s saying you can’t speculate on all the possibilities, but it should not be a difficult ask to show a little bit of care & concern when it comes to openly leaking information.

Your being able to know something rightthisverysecond is not more important than other people’s jobs.
Never said what was shared was correct or okay, I see that it can put the leaker in jeopardy. Could it have been shared differently sure, but my original post was towards the last few pages and how they have been nothing but don't share this, that info, because its causing harm with speculated IP's.

Take it how you want, but I just want to be clear that I made my statement on the general theme over the last few pages not the latest post. I have decency/concern over someone possibly getting in trouble, especially since I'm sure they are made to sign an NDA, so any direct leak leading back to an individual, could really be bad.

But I'm moving on, no need to keep this going. Sorry of I caused any harm, just made a stupid remark clearly and will get back to fun spec! Cheers! :devil::skull::devil:
This Spec Season is seriously turning into a joke, we cant say anything or discuss findings anymore. What's the point in talking about things then if we only cause harm. This isn't directed at anyone, just a general frustration. This just goes against what these forums were made for, discuss and speculate. Feels like we cant even do that now....... ooh how the times have changed :rolleyes:
Facts, such as casting decisions, are not speculation.

Edit: And this is spitballing here mods, but is there a way to organize the spec'd houses to discuss what might go IN them, IF they were to have a house, or would that get too messy?
This week was Minions Land, next week is HHN.
I agree with this. They want to give Minions the spotlight for a week or so and probably will announce next week. A lot of people were thinking since there is a Women of HHN panel at Spooky Empire today, something would be announced this week. I thought the opposite. If Universal is going out of their way to have a panel that is focused on the Women of HHN, I don’t think they would want to cloud their panel with a bunch of questions about a house that was just announced. I think they would want the focus to be on those women in the panel and their work.
Never said what was shared was correct or okay, I see that it can put the leaker in jeopardy. Could it have been shared differently sure, but my original post was towards the last few pages and how they have been nothing but don't share this, that info, because its causing harm with speculated IP's.

Take it how you want, but I just want to be clear that I made my statement on the general theme over the last few pages not the latest post. I have decency/concern over someone possibly getting in trouble, especially since I'm sure they are made to sign an NDA, so any direct leak could really be bad.

I mean this as kindly as possible, you've attended HHN for two whole years of the event according to your signature. It's easy to just throw out "how the times have changed", but this is how spec season has been as long as I've been around (my first year was HHN19 and I was around IU and previous incarnations of the site longer than that). This isn't something that randomly changed in the past few pages.

No one is saying you can't post the rumors of houses, scarezones, shows, etc. Direct character castings & backstage photos, the things that have been warned against in recent pages, are a usual no-no year after year because it causes a lot of trouble both with the event and those who work it. There's a line that needs to be tip-toed and frankly, it's a pretty easy one to manage.
I mean this as kindly as possible, you've attended HHN for two whole years of the event according to your signature. It's easy to just throw out "how the times have changed", but this is how spec season has been as long as I've been around (my first year was HHN19 and I was around IU and previous incarnations of the site longer than that). This isn't something that randomly changed in the past few pages.

No one is saying you can't post the rumors of houses, scarezones, shows, etc. Direct character castings & backstage photos, the things that have been warned against in recent pages, are a usual no-no year after year because it causes a lot of trouble both with the event and those who work it. There's a line that needs to be tip-toed and frankly, it's a pretty easy one to manage.
Understood and agree! Like I said moving on, clearly meant no harm. Yeah have only attended the last 2 years, but have been watching this forum since HHN 29, just decided to join recently, but yes you are right every year this does happen, sorry for being the one to start the "We Can't Say Anything Even Though We Clearly Can Since We've Already Spoiled The Entire Reveal" phase this year :pensive:
Understood and agree! Like I said moving on, clearly meant no harm. Yeah have only attended the last 2 years, but have been watching this forum since HHN 29, just decided to join recently, but yes you are right every year this does happen, sorry for being the one to start the "We Can't Say Anything Even Though We Clearly Can Since We've Already Spoiled The Entire Reveal" phase this year :pensive:
And now we enter this stage of the annual spec: The "We Can't Say Anything Even Though We Clearly Can Since We've Already Spoiled The Entire Reveal" phase. We're four months out and even despite the chaos of it all, we have close to the entire house lineup figured out it seems (possibly even the whole thing and some street info). Hell, it feels like we have more clarity on the originals than usual even. Not wanting some specific actor casting leaked isn't a "times have changed" situation. It's something insiders have avoided doing forever now and is common decency. I know it's fun to speculate this silly little Halloween event every year, but these are real people with real jobs on the line.

This is the unfortunate reality of the social media and influencer era getting bigger and bigger. More people are willing to risk it all to post the big scoops without protecting their sources (see the above comment about a YouTuber apparently doing the same), less care is put into verifying info, and everything gets messier & messier.
May I ask what you mean by “entire house lineup figured out”? I know about the speculation maps but what do you suspect or know is confirmed to be in the lineup? I’d like to know too!
May I ask what you mean by “entire house lineup figured out”? I know about the speculation maps but what do you suspect or know is confirmed to be in the lineup? I’d like to know too!
If I were to make a Spec Map 3.0 from everything that's been discussed between spec maps and insider clues/confirmations:

IP Houses:
- Chucky (announced) [Located in the F&F Queue]
- The Last of Us [Naughty Dog]
- Universal Monsters: Paris
- The Exorcist: Believer
- Stranger Things (Seems to be the only one being disputed currently)

Original Houses:
- Oddfellow
- Dragons (Fantasy aligned house with Dueling Dragons easter eggs)
- Urban Legends: Robert Johnson-esque tale
- Witch or Cult based house (mixed info here)
- Japanese Myth

There are rumors of a The Last of Us scarezone and a Holidayz scarezone.

Casting Calls:
We also have several casting calls out by Universal currently for the following that may be related to houses, zones, and shows:

- Dancers & Vocalists: Dancers "must be strong in the dance styles of hip-hop and/or jazz” and singers must be "able to portray female roles with strong rock and roll style belt."
- Dancers: Dancers “5’2” and under where “tumbling skills may be required for certain roles.”
- Scareactors, stilt walkers, and puppeteers

Additional Universal Hints:
- March 23rd, 2023 - Universal announces 10 houses, 5 scarezones and shares a static-y video that ends with "The Legend Is Real"
- April 28th, 2023 - Universal posts another teaser about “The Legend” with mic and coffin emojis. Jack seen in static at one point.
- May 10th, 2023 - HHN Twitter posts a video teaser of a text conversation warning about "The Legend" ending in a coded sentence.
- May 16th, 2023 - Another HHN Twitter teaser. Features codes that translate to several phrases: “Uncover the Truth”, “The Signs are Everywhere”, “Hiding in Plain Sight”, “Join the Quest for the Truth”, “If You Dare”, “See You in the Fog”

The above hint leads users to wonder if there have been hints in plain sight for some time with two specific hints being considered, most of which align with the speculated houses:

- May 7th, 2023 - @Ringwraith posts “Were two HHN 32 houses under our nose all this time?” and includes an image from in the parks showing both a bloody Universal Palace Ticket for “Phantom of the Opera” circa 1925 and a ticket for Dr. Oddfellow’s Carnival of Thrills. An additional tweet is posted showing that these were also found in last year’s Midnight Syndicate vinyl along with a dragon and devil
- May 17th, 2023 - From @DannyPowers: “IF...and this is a very large IF...they are actually setting up a game/ARG/scavenger hunt/Etc, then I think it may have something to do with the fortune teller's window that's by Boris' office. I don't have the picture, but I saw it on Twitter sometime last week. The fortune teller was pointing at a ring box with a key sticking out of it.” Photos are posted to compare and it definitely wasn’t pointing at a box as of 2020, but no one is sure when it started pointing.
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- Dancers: Dancers “5’2” and under where “tumbling skills may be required for certain roles.”
And it can be mentioned that this particular casting call is very intriguing considering the short height and requirement for tumbling. Feels very appropriate for a recent IP which just so happens to have a character around that size who's known for dancing and flipping around...and one that had a flash mob or two on top of that!
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And it can be mentioned that this particular casting call is very intriguing considering the short height and requirement for tumbling. Feels very appropriate for a recent IP which just so happens to have a character around that size who's known for dancing and flipping around...and one that had a flash mob or two on top of that!
And it can be mentioned that this particular casting call is very intriguing considering the short height and requirement for tumbling. Feels very appropriate for a recent IP which just so happens to have a character around that size who's known for dancing and flipping around...and one that had a flash mob or two on top of that!

No, you see, we are convinced this is Lady Gaga somehow!
I view this thread once in a while to see if I’ve missed anything but honestly it just feels like I am missing out on the toxicity and I’m OK with that. The last couple years of ‘spec season’ here have been pretty poor rough on a forum I normally believe to be a pretty fun place.

Hope everyone gets announcements soon so I can re-enter a happier place.
I view this thread once in a while to see if I’ve missed anything but honestly it just feels like I am missing out on the toxicity and I’m OK with that. The last couple years of ‘spec season’ here have been pretty poor rough on a forum I normally believe to be a pretty fun place.

Hope everyone gets announcements soon so I can re-enter a happier place.
Coincidentally, the mods have been more hands off this year than years past. We don’t know anymore, either. Haha
What if every house is chucky this year? A la the walking dead in 23? Could be why we havent gotten any other announcements for our halloween event even though its already spring! Chucky is pretty legendary and he has been in plain sight all along
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Remember the scene in Halloween Kills where the town is losing its mind and Jamie Lee Curtis is like

"This is Michael Myers masterpiece. He caused this"

But in actuality Michael Myers is just hanging out in his home, doing his thing, sticking to his regularly scheduled plan of announcements for a Halloween event.

There's like 4 characters who are trying to keep everyone calm while things get more and more out of control?

It was pretty silly because everyone should know Michael Myers MO by this point. I mean there's literally characters in the movie that were involved for decades by then, cautioning people.
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