A few Stats
Alton Towers Resort will launch its biggest ever rollercoaster - The Smiler (
www.the-smiler.com). The first of its kind in the world, The Smiler will be the biggest ever investment for a ride at the Resort. Here are a few facts:
The Smiler is twice the size of Nemesis
The track of The Smiler is 1,170m, which is equivalent to 78 double decker buses lined up within a row
The highest drop is 30m, which is comparable to 17 black cabs stacked up on top of each other
The ride time is 165 seconds which is 3x the ride time of Rita
The maximum speed is approx. 85 km/hr which is 10 km//hr faster than Air
It has 3,000 hours of manual labour, equal to flying to Australia 143 times
5,000 cubes of concrete were used within the build
It's an £18m investment, the equivalent of buying 120 of the world's most desirable sports cars
Passengers per train - 16
Minimum rider height - 1.4m
Location - X Sector, on the site of the old Black Hole ride