So some things with this film are starting to come into a slight bit of focus. For now, the best comp looks to be 2016's
Rogue One: A Star War's Story. This is an extremely relevant comp as well as Rogue One was the last big movie to open when Christmas fell on a Sunday. The Friday-Monday second weekend totals that year saw Rogue One bring in $96.5M/
Rogue One had a higher opening Thursday preview/Friday at $71M compared to The Way of Water's $53.2M, however from there things are pretty similar. Rogue One's total's for the next 4 days were $46.3M (sat), $37.6M (sun), $17.5 (mon), $17.5 (tues). TWOW Sat-Tues was $44.3M (sat), $36.5M (sun), $16.2M (mon) and estimated $17.5M (tues).
We'll see if this trend continues going forward. Rogue One made $532M domestic which tbh, I think would be fine for TWOW, as there's one key difference between the two films so far, which is that Rogue One made 50.4% of its worldwide gross from the domestic market. It's still early, but The Way of Water is currently only making 30.2% of its gross from the domestic box office (and the first film made 27.3% domestic in its initial run). So just to do some quick math, if the percentages were to roughly hold up and TWOW finished with $510M, the international gross would be $1.7B. If it has stronger legs than Rogue One, it could push closer to $2B.
'Avatar: The Way Of Water' Could Be Heading For Tuesday 2022 Record: Box Office