One big number is to cut down the amount of money being poured into new content for Disney +. That's the black hole. Even Netflix saw the error of this and has cut new content investment drastically....Disney has plenty of film and TV catalogue, underused, that they can use.....One constant in the film and tv industry over the decades is that it's extremely difficult to predict whether a new tv series, or a new movie, will succeed, and be profitable. The success rate , in reality, is miniscule. A pure crapshoot. Chapek was throwing too much money against the wall and hoping it would stick. History shows that doesn't ever work. Cut the black hole new content money, and the balance sheet will get better. Streaming will never be the blessing the optimists thought. People can only watch, or want to watch, so much stuff. Investors are finally seeing the error of the overt optimism, and it's time for Disney to accept the reality too. Disney + will only end up as another contributing division, if handled with common business sense, not the division that the entire company revolves around.