To me, seeing these street performers at USH is no different than seeing the Waterworld performers or even a Broadway show. You can't always say "you have to deal with every kind of guest, it's your job". That doesn't work in every department or situation. If I'm paying big bucks to see a Broadway show or splurging on a luxury like a theme park ticket, I don't want distractions from what I paid for. Same thing like when certain singers at concerts say "I appreciate my fans who know the lyrics and love singing a long, but the guy behind you didn't pay $200 to hear you sing off key, they came to see me"
Showing respect to employees, performer or not, is important...they're still human. So is Brenda. But there is a limit to everything. Line has to be drawn somewhere between compassion and major distraction. Because I have compassion for both, but i have respect AND compassion for the employees.
*shrug* let's agree to disagree