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Dark Universe (Epic Universe)

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I'd caution against reading too much into statements made in what is essentially a marketing-led hype video. We'll see where it lands when the park opens, but I'd be very surprised if it dramatically breaks the current threshold for "scariest daytime theme park attraction."

Marching my ass to Guest Relations demanding my money back because it wasn't as scary as when I was 8 and rode Splash Mountain for the first time.
I think everyone here is ignoring the potential that this ride could also partially be a sensory experience like Alien Encounter, maybe using some technology within the restraints and seats of the ride vehicle itself, which could really increase the scariness levels a lot. Also even if that doesn't turn out to be the case, the Dementors on FJ already get very close to you and freak me out sometimes and they don't even move, I can see this ride definitely being quite scary.
Before the arms were removed the dementors came waaaaay to close. First time I jumped (I was seated on the left, close to the first one.) Closeness is why the arms were removed, I guess