Tough to say unfortunately. With only one ride-thru to work from, a lot of hype and excitement on my part for my first time on it, and a whole lot of brand new sensory information to take in, a lot of those more background details are left out of my memory. Especially given this was my final ride of 7 brand new rides for the day, there was lots and lots for my brain to process haha!
Best I can personally recall, the whole car felt like it rattled around. Not in any specific direction, just sort of around itself. I first noticed it on the "lift hill" leading towards the Rocket Barrel, and it was felt throughout the circuit. Can't recall if there were any rougher moments than others.
It's easy to pin down every other coaster of the day. Werewolf felt like opening day Cobra's Curse (very smooth yet forceful), Stardust felt like Veloci, and Hiccup's like Hagrid's. This was a very different feeling coaster. It almost felt Wild Mouse-y in how it rigidly and stiffly turned, dropped, and especially shook. I wonder if that has to do with how the coaster car is attached to the real track, basically Car-on-a-Stick. It does make sense for it to be rough in a way. It's a very different coaster build with a model that isn't anywhere near optimized, unlike the new Mack and Intamin launches found elsewhere at Epic that are incredibly optimized imo.
Totally possible it was a much better or worse car than average, or that my thoughts and analysis could change given more time spent riding on it. But hopefully this is still something to someone!