Two big issues I see:
(1) Cruises need lead time to fill rooms. There's no AP community or season ticket holders (well, a much smaller community) who would be there tomorrow if they announced today they were re-opening.
(2) There have been no horror stories involving the outbreak and theme parks, movie theaters, sports stadiums, etc. There have been quite a few about passengers trapped on cruise ships. TV news, local morning radio, social media, they've been everywhere. I love DCL more than I love the parks--that said, I will rope-drop MK as soon as it opens, but after reading about being on a ship with dwindling food reserves and the captain negotiating to let Americans off on U.S. soil, I'm not sure I'd take a free Disney cruise for many months.
John Campea claiming $26-27M for the weekend, a little less than half of what the original brought in for an apples to oranges comparison.