the biggest problem would be pre shows,
i could see disney pulsing lines and spacing out the lines with limited capacity, avoid standing still lines, keep the lines moving, etc
but pre shows like Dinosaur or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's pre show, the expanding room of the haunted mansion, they cant happen, but they helped with the flow of the guests and told you the story of the ride,
so it seems tricky to have those pre shows taken out,
and then, how do they stop people from gathering together at the exit gift shop? the potter forbidden journey gift shop and lockers are always mayhem, too tiny,
so rides cant have a pre show or gather around at the gift shop in groups, how will the rides work?
this is what your average (every- hhn night) street crowd and housequeue line always look like, (the scarezones can get this crowded by mid october)
the biggest problems are not even the houses, the queue lines are always designed to group very large groups of guests together shoulder to shoulder for hours...
how would HHN work with social distancing? i cant imagine a fix to queue lines or scarezones, by 10 pm the entire park looks like these pictures, house queue lines, scarezones and shows, they all get crowds walking by, every year...