You’re not being a jerk or a contrarian, but I think you are being an alarmist. I think the scenario you’re envisioning is one of many possible outcomes. I’m not saying it’s invalid, but I do think it’s one of the more far fetched possibilities, at least on the scale/timeline you’re suggesting. I don’t think society will go from its current state to some dystopian resource war in mid-April, especially when we get some hard evidence that what we’re doing is working. Because, by all accounts, it does and will work. 1:1 comparisons maybe aren’t completely fair, but we can still predict our outcomes based on how other counties and societies have reacted to the pandemic. No other country has responded in the way you’re envisioning. Not yet, at least.
I think the majority of people have more resolve than you give them credit for. But idk, maybe I’m just being naive and optimistic? I’m definitely trying to stay positive, overall.