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Enter The Blumhouse (HHN 33)

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I'm going to give M3GAN a pass for all the good and bad attention she's likely to receive. Otherwise, I agree, less awkwardly standing on stages and more actual scaring, please. (This goes for Dream Queens, too, but that's one of many bizarre things going on over there.)

It seems this zone intends to be the "photo op" zone per our RIP Guide tonight.
No doubt this was intended as a photo op zone, but fails even at that. Just wall-to-wall crowds, with their realistic costumes, the actors just sort of blend in (I legit thought "Uncle Sam" from the Purge was an old man about to be trampled for a second). At least Crypt TV had stages for the photo ops.

Time to retire the SF zone.
No doubt this was intended as a photo op zone, but fails even at that. Just wall-to-wall crowds, with their realistic costumes, the actors just sort of blend in (I legit thought "Uncle Sam" from the Purge was an old man about to be trampled for a second). At least Crypt TV had stages for the photo ops.

Time to retire the SF zone.
" time to retire the sf zone"

but my favorite zone of all time, rob zombie, was perfect in here, and the past two years had been ok. the pirate zone and the UFO alien zone were good, crypt TV was really nice. its not just the area, they really cut things down for this, barely any props, they picked characters that blend with regular guests,

this area creates a bottleneck, but we have had some good zones in here, ( my second favorite zone in here was the drive in movie zone when they had Jason and Freddy walking around, I truly love that)

this year is having some awful problems. look at demon queens and the icon """"zone""""
I still have hope that this area can be really good,
if uni could not put a lot of props here, they could have chosen more interesting purge characters.

I was even rooting for this and I was hoping it was going to have awesome props, I thought that they would recreate the blumhouse video logos, but they let me down.
It's not CryptTV bad. There are some performers in the crowd scaring, and their performances are fine. That already elevates it. It also makes sense why certain characters, specifically M3gan, are on a stage for photo-ops. There are some weird choices, like the construction Purger being the choice for photo's over the more iconic America / Mask-themed costumes. I haven't seen anyone pose with them.

It mostly just feels like a way to reuse a bunch of costumes from previous years, which is unfortunate. You could make a similar argument against last year's zone, but at least that had a clever twist within the lore to justify the reuse, as well as some fun setpieces and animatronic effects to go along with it.

It's not bad, but I think it's purely mediocre. I believe the ultimate and unfortunate fate of this zone is just to be forgotten.
It's always funny to see what other's think, I was so hyped when I saw this area on a live stream.

I think for Florida I can understand why some thing its bad...I would beg for this over the front two scarezones we have coming to USH (I don't find punk scary at all...)

I think if they can make it more of people taking photo's with characters they like its really fun and cool but yeah....makes me think the terror Tram will be a hit or miss on this board because I kinda assume the the Terror tram will be mostly a continuation of this scare zone....but turned into an outside house.
Similar to my post for the Duality of Fear zone, this zone is embarrassing. The saving grace of this zone is that the actors are at least trying their best.

While early to review/rank this year's houses and other zones, it's pretty clear to me that this zone is fair to criticize early on in the run. A truss with lighting and cardboard attached is not the type of theming/quality/aesthetics we should expect from "the world's premier Halloween event".

It really bothers me that Universal thinks they can get away with this. The other 3 zones at least feel developed with thoughtful consideration, but this zone (and we all know it) is purely here to achieve an IP/Blumhouse mandate.

It's also perplexing, as the photo ops at the HHN bar could have been utilized as a way to draw folks over there (therefore boosting revenue at the bar) while not having to sacrifice a scare zone.

Time to retire the SF zone.
I disagree, the one positive thing about the Blumhouse zone is that they finally realized that they can't put massive props here to block the pathway and the zone's setup/layout works (they just need to actually add theming now lol). While not the easiest to traverse, the zone is far more manageable than years prior.
Similar to my post for the Duality of Fear zone, this zone is embarrassing
It really bothers me that Universal thinks they can get away with this. The other 3 zones at least feel developed with thoughtful consideration, but this zone (and we all know it) is purely here to achieve an IP/Blumhouse mandate.
It's also perplexing, as the photo ops at the HHN bar could have been utilized as a way to draw folks over there (therefore boosting revenue at the bar) while not having to sacrifice a scare zone.

feels like sometimes people might say " it's the houses that matter, houses will always matter no matter what, the streets aren't as important" but I always disagree with that. to me streets are still very important and very special. the event is the whole package. sometimes streets are even more fun than houses ( trick r treat, killer clowns) and even if houses are what really matters, even this year the houses are even lacking in some ways,
I can understand that universal has the deal with blumhouse, but they have done better stuff with movies like trick r treat or killer knowns. even crypt TV was better. so the fact that it was connected to blumhouse shouldn't be the reason ( look at the coconut club, they even did a good job there, )
While early to review/rank this year's houses and other zones, it's pretty clear to me that this zone is fair to criticize early on in the run. A truss with lighting and cardboard attached is not the type of theming/quality/aesthetics we should expect from "the world's premier Halloween event".

I'm sorry - I'm no fan of the zone either, but I think we're being harsh here with this expectation.

The other 3 zones at least feel developed with thoughtful consideration, but this zone (and we all know it) is purely here to achieve an IP/Blumhouse mandate.

It's also perplexing, as the photo ops at the HHN bar could have been utilized as a way to draw folks over there (therefore boosting revenue at the bar) while not having to sacrifice a scare zone.
Well, that's because they were both replacements of original plans.
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I'm sorry - I'm no fan of the zone either, but I think we're being harsh here with this expectation.
When there's an immersive Swamp and Medieval Faire themed zone with great scenic design in the same year.. I think it's fair to compare and criticize. And I don't think it's the concept of the zone, just the execution. Each film should have been given a more proper stage with props from the film, not a generic Blumhouse background.

Well, that's because they were both replacements of original plans.
Well aware, but these events are planned a year+ in advance now... there is 0 reason for these low quality zones at the event. Again, I understand that things happen, but Universal has the creativity to pull something out of nothing. Something needs to get fixed in the whole HHN planning process as scare zones are critical to the event's success.

We all knew about a potential IP cancellation earlier in the spec season, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to figure out a Plan B. (Yes, I'm simplifying it)

I know I sound harsh as I have yet to provide a full review of the event - the rest of my review will be very positive as I disagree with the "HHN is cost-cutting" idea floating around here. It's very evident in 2 scare zones, but outside of that it's hard to label that idea across the event this year.
When there's an immersive Swamp and Medieval Faire themed zone with great scenic design in the same year.. I think it's fair to compare and criticize. And I don't think it's the concept of the zone, just the execution. Each film should have been given a more proper stage with props from the film, not a generic Blumhouse background.

Well, are we talking about the truss or the stages? I was talking about the harsh critique of the truss.

The stages were probably designed that way so it could be interchangeable. If you commit to a poster/themed background and are missing an actor that night (or lose them for the year) - you now have an empty hole.

it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to figure out a Plan B. (Yes, I'm simplifying it)
As long as you're aware...
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When there's an immersive Swamp and Medieval Faire themed zone with great scenic design in the same year.. I think it's fair to compare and criticize. And I don't think it's the concept of the zone, just the execution. Each film should have been given a more proper stage with props from the film, not a generic Blumhouse background.

Well aware, but these events are planned a year+ in advance now... there is 0 reason for these low quality zones at the event. Again, I understand that things happen, but Universal has the creativity to pull something out of nothing. Something needs to get fixed in the whole HHN planning process as scare zones are critical to the event's success.

We all knew about a potential IP cancellation earlier in the spec season, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to figure out a Plan B. (Yes, I'm simplifying it)

I know I sound harsh as I have yet to provide a full review of the event - the rest of my review will be very positive as I disagree with the "HHN is cost-cutting" idea floating around here. It's very evident in 2 scare zones, but outside of that it's hard to label that idea across the event this year.
I think the constrained budget is also noticeable in the ancillary elements - that is, Coconut (which seems to have handled the limited funds well), the lack of a Cabana photo op, and a few other spots. I’m not sure if the Tribute Store is a case of limited budget, an odd choice of theme, or both. It’s great that the houses don’t seem to have suffered.
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Well, are we talking about the truss or the stages? I was talking about the harsh critique of the truss.
Regarding the truss (stages below), it's pretty bare and cheaply put with seams visible. Prior to Friday's event start, teams were still drilling pieces together around 4PM prior to park close. :lmao:

The stages were probably designed that way so it could be interchangeable. If you commit to a poster/themed background and are missing an actor that night (or lose them for the year) - you now have an empty hole.
I understand that unfortunately happens, but I don't think that should stop them from entirely limiting a zone's design work. With the exception of M3GAN (which they were able to find at least 6 actors to play last year) and Happy Death Day/Freaky roles, all of the other actors are wearing masks.

Edit to respond to Casper - Cabana Bay's photo op/experience thing was never a hit unfortunately. I was never a huge fan of it and prefer the decor instead. Tribute Store's interior is fine, the facade is more of a design choice.
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I think a bigger problem with Enter the Blumhouse right now is a lack of iconic characters. Try as they might, Freaky doesn't really work divorced of context, and I'm not sure Happy Death Day is pulling its weight, either. So you're left with M3GAN (confined to a stage, understandably), The Black Phone guys (two of which do not really scream "scary" in any immediate sense), and Purgers (some of the choices there are weird, too -- why no cowboys from Forever Purge? Why no red-eyed bunnies? Why no Skeletor?). If we were doing stilts, the Statue of Liberty purger would've been wise. They don't have total control over the character, but getting Baghuul from Sinister in there would've been good, too.

If I'm looking at making immediate, doable improvements to that zone, I'm scrounging up some extra Insidious costumes and getting the demons out there. Red Face, Bride in Black, Man Who Can't Breathe, and Key Face would really enhance the lineup.

It's probably too late from a casting/blocking perspective, but another thing that would've been fun is multiple M3GANS -- one on each of the stages. This allows the other performers to scare, and then maybe there could be show moments where the M3GANS dance briefly in tandem. Takes the burden off the one M3GAN as a popular photo op and literally spreads out demand.
Regarding the truss (stages below), it's pretty bare and cheaply put with seams visible. Prior to Friday's event start, teams were still drilling pieces together around 4PM prior to park close.

OK, but this is nothing new to HHN? Some of the most popular zones had trusses with cardboard/flat decor. It is a temporary event. The zone's issues go beyond that.

I understand that unfortunately happens, but I don't think that should stop them from entirely limiting a zone's design work. With the exception of M3GAN (which they were able to find at least 6 actors to play last year) and Happy Death Day/Freaky roles, all of the other actors are wearing masks.
You don't understand then...lol
OK, but this is nothing new to HHN? Some of the most popular zones had trusses with cardboard/flat decor. It is a temporary event. The zone's issues go beyond that.
The issue is that the cardboard truss is the vast majority of the "decor" in the zone. Vamp had a cardboard cutout on the main stage, but it made sense in the zone and was accompanied by other great set pieces.

You don't understand then...lol
I understand that there are a plethora of things that unfortunately unravel the event's original concept & ideas (corporate forced synergy, IP issues, costuming issues, A&D having to work around the parade, etc.). It's pretty silly to think that the "world's premier Halloween event" this year can't get 2 scare zones right when they love discussing how the event is a year+ design process.
I understand that there are a plethora of things that unfortunately unravel the event's original concept & ideas (corporate forced synergy, IP issues, costuming issues, A&D having to work around the parade, etc.). It's pretty silly to think that the "world's premier Halloween event" this year can't get 2 scare zones right when they love discussing how the event is a year+ design process.

I was talking about casting... but yeah - all that, too. Sometimes, things just don't work. Yes - the zone is lacking but not everything is because of one thing. Obviously, we can get great results on a limited budget, last-minute addition (i.e. House of Horrors in 2012) and sometimes you don't.

But sometimes they are just creative decisions that miss that mark.
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Going to HHN for the first time. Going with my wife and some friends. My wife is not into this, Will she be confronted by actors while walking through park? She just wants to lay back and wait while we go into the houses.