Hello everyone,
I wanted to share some speculation about the future expansion of the Monsters land. I’ve been wondering: where could the access path for this expansion go? The land currently forms a dead end, and the only logical route seems to be between the “Burning Blade Tavern” and “De Lacey’s Cottage.”
As some have noted, this might not happen soon, given the number of trees recently planted in the area.
Here’s my theory, imagining a boat ride themed around Creature from the Black Lagoon:
-Trees in the “corridor” could be removed and replanted along the new path.
-A teaser sign could be placed near the manor with a logo or map showing the « lake at the end of the pathway ».
-I’ve also imagined including one of those broken wall/archway features, which seem to be a recurring element in the village. I like the idea of using it as a way to signify to visitors that they are leaving the premises of the village and manor to venture into a more “forgotten and uncharted” place.
This feature would also serve to conceal two themed doors providing access to a backstage pathway.
-Embankments, vegetation, and a wooden fence could hide the manor’s show building from view.
What do you think of this idea?