Monsters Unchained - I've been going through the old Universal Monsters movies and related media (the current line of Skybound comics is great, by the way), and I just love these guys so much. Also - I adore Forbidden Journey but I hate Harry Potter and I've been waiting for a Kuka arm without that property attached.
Stardust Racers - I miss Dueling Dragons so much.
The Untrainable Dragon - Not on the list, I know, but How to Train Your Dragon is one of the few kid's movies I actually hold very close to my heart and have a lot of nostalgia for. I've seen clips from the Beijing show and it's just beautiful.
Hiccup's Wing Gliders - Not usually a family coaster fan, but see above.
Battle at the Ministry - My opinion of Harry Potter has curdled significantly since the first time I rode Forbidden Journey. That was enough to leave me pretty lukewarm on Hagrid's, and I imagine it'll do the same here. Still, I looooove Spider-Man at IOA, so I'm excited to see what they do with this on a technical level.
Dragon Racer's Rally - I've never been on this type of flat ride before! Not losing my mind over it or anything but I'm pretty pumped.
Curse of the Werewolf - Hard-carried by the property. I love the Wolf Man.
Fyre Drill - Looks cute.
Mine Cart Madness - This was much higher on the list before the tepid reviews out of Japan

Yoshi's Adventure - This could rise or fall by, like, three spaces depending on the wait. I love a PeopleMover, but not enough to stand in line for more than 25 minutes.
Mario Kart - Again, if this wasn't guaranteed to be a two hour wait for what I've heard is a pretty divisive ride, I'd probably be more excited.
Le Cirque Arcanus - Maybe???
Constellation Carousel - I'll just say I'm not rope-dropping it.