See, this is what confuses me about the "buy 3+ days and get 1 at Epic" vs. buying a SINGLE, DATED ticket.
No one buying those packages has been asked WHICH DAY out of the window they bought they'd like to spend at EPIC. So... what, Universal is just keeping track of the the ENTIRE RANGE of ALL guests to which MIGHT be possible on any given day? If I'm not being asked WHICH of those days i'm going to EPIC, how could THEY possibly know?
If you are good to show up on ANY one of those days, what happens if ALL of the people for a specific window decide to show up on THE SAME DAY? What happens to the people who SPECIFICALLY bought a single day ticket for EPIC on THAT day?
I understand i'm asking about a perfect storm scenario, but isn't that a very possible nightmare for anyone on any given day?