So I never knew this was here so I wanna post my own Eulogy...
JAWS---How I remember you from the early 90's. I did not get to experience much of you the first time I rode as a child because I simply could not hold back the pure terror that was before me (I cried like a baby...I was like 6 ok...). But after that moment I remember growing to love and cherish you no matter how corny your guides were or how predictable you had become; you were my favorite. I remember your tilting, your blue seats, and black robotic eyes. But most importantly I remember the very last time I saw you. It was a rainy day and you were not operating...My sisters decided to go and wait for the Simpson's and while I waited in the queue I watched you for 60 minutes praying and hoping the rain would pass so I could sit in that boat once more. To my distress you never did open again that day and I left the park a soaked, depressed 19 year old. A few months later I learned that you were being uprooted and removed from the park and I was sincerely crushed. Not only was my favorite ride being replaced but I had not been given the chance to ride you once more. To this day I still sit in sadness and continue to think upon you with every ounce of nostalgia in my heart. JAWS, thanks for the cries, the laughs, the screams, and thoughts of certain death. I miss you and will always cherish you as my favorite of all time. Thanks for the memories.