Fast and Furious: Hollywood Drift coaster (Opening 2026) | Page 26 | Inside Universal Forums

Fast and Furious: Hollywood Drift coaster (Opening 2026)

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Lol so like what if this got cancelled haha… guys?
I doubt it but if somehow the profits and interest of the SNW did impact this then....kinda insane but I bet it still comes. People want a thrill ride and unless they are going to destroy simpsons land early I just doubt it.

Only thing is....a big youtuber for MONTHS has been saying they don't know what this project maybe he has a source and it is telling him something is going on behind the scenes but could also be a vlogger wanting to just stay in the good graces of USH and wanting to keep getting invited to events
Lol so like what if this got cancelled haha… guys?
Yeah I'm getting nervous guys... show tech infrastructure was gutted pretty quick and then everything basically stopped. It's sounding like something might be holding things up, but I'm not totally convinced of that just yet.

I lost easy access to USH building permits for this thing. Please don't be cancelled :pray:

Also, if this is cancelled or somehow delayed, it was a very very last minute decision. The park also lost good, important, capacity, this isn't like USF's Fear Factor Live. I really hope something happens here soon
Possible theory: What if the neighbors got wind of this rumor and raised unholy hell to the city about the potential noise issues and the city revoked their zoning/permits in response? That would probably be the only reason this would be stopped. I doubt it’s because SNW wasn’t as successful as they hoped because that land is always pretty crowded. It looks to be doing fine to me. Certainly is getting more crowds than Potter did.

I’ve heard around last summer that people from Intamin were there scoping the location out. Plus with the permits, they’ve obviously been planning this. Again they’ve been planning this for a while and something must’ve happened. The only way I see this getting delayed is because of the neighbors fighting to stop this.

Another possible theory: Intamin is a Swiss company in Europe so maybe the Ukraine/Russia war could be causing supply chain issues?

Idk I’m not convinced this is canceled but I obviously want this to happen just as much as y’all.
Honest question, this is in the middle of the park. How could you argue it would make too much noises, isn't it miles from Businesses and homes and blocked by muiltple hills and buildings?
Honest question, this is in the middle of the park. How could you argue it would make too much noises, isn't it miles from Businesses and homes and blocked by muiltple hills and buildings?
Closest homes would be .4 miles away, and coasters are loud. But the drifting mechanism here was actually brought about as a solution to blocking sound without having the guests go through screamtunnels constantly. So I don't think sound is the issue here, as that was a big consideration in the design process
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Closest homes would be .4 miles away, and coasters are loud. But the drifting mechanism here was actually brought about as a solution to blocking sound without having the guests go through screamtunnels constantly. So I don't think sound is the issue here, as that was a big consideration in the design process
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Here is the thing, looked up the home and it was sold in issue is if you buy a house near a theme park you can't complain. If you lived there before it, fine you have the right but anyway. I'd want them to prove you could hear it because SNW I'd assume makes more noises you'd hear (if any) then a ride on the hill that has SNW and the studio basically blocking it.

Thanks for letting me know, had no idea they built homes that close to the studio on that side was thinking about the side over near the crash site sets
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Here is the thing, looked up the home and it was sold in issue is if you buy a house near a theme park you can't complain. If you lived there before it, fine you have the right but anyway. I'd want them to prove you could hear it because SNW I'd assume makes more noises you'd hear (if any) then a ride on the hill that has SNW and the studio basically blocking it.

Thanks for letting me know, had no idea they built homes that close to the studio on that side was thinking about the side over near the crash site sets
I don't disagree, but unfortunately that's just how it is. Happens everywhere. People move next to loud thing and then get mad at loud thing. I believe the USH Evolution Plan outlined clear sound guidelines. So it depends on if it violates those I guess
Here is the thing, looked up the home and it was sold in issue is if you buy a house near a theme park you can't complain. If you lived there before it, fine you have the right but anyway. I'd want them to prove you could hear it because SNW I'd assume makes more noises you'd hear (if any) then a ride on the hill that has SNW and the studio basically blocking it.

Thanks for letting me know, had no idea they built homes that close to the studio on that side was thinking about the side over near the crash site sets
To move in next to a theme park is one thing. To move in to a theme park and then learn they’re going to add a noisy coaster well after the fact is quite another. It’s possible this is what’s going on here.
To move in next to a theme park is one thing. To move in to a theme park and then learn they’re going to add a noisy coaster well after the fact is quite another. It’s possible this is what’s going on here.
I guess they can clam to be ignorant but if I was going to move into this kinda neighbor I just assume it will be nosier like living next to a freeway or an airport.

If a coaster is really going to change there lives then maybe don't move next to a theme park.

I'm so happy USH made the theme park back in the 90s when neighbors couldn't just slow down businesses from doing things that are normal for said business and isn't harming anyone but its creating more jobs both long and short term.

Sorry to get us off track, but I dont think 200 people even if its affecting should be able to stop a world wide destination from having a coaster. And when the houses are like millions, you have the money to move anywhere you basically want so its hard for me to have sympathy for this situation
sure, but that's not exactly the point of having a home that costs millions. nor is it the point of being someone who can own a home that costs millions.

that said, typically community backlash happens at open city council meetings. even with the dearth of local media coverage, my guess is we would have heard something about that. it's worth keeping in mind just how gnarly these last couple winter storms were. maybe something is holding this project up, maybe it has been canceled ... or maybe they've just got a lot of clean up to do on terrain that's already challenging for building.
I think jumping to getting mad with the neighbors over this like the coaster isn’t happening is a big leap. We know nothing, and I seriously, seriously doubt Universal would’ve moved forward with this project if there was even a slim risk of the neighbors ruining it all right as they started breaking ground. I think one or two jokes about it not happening because we’re not seeing overt movement coming out of horrible weather isn’t enough to go off of and start assuming the worst has happened.
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I think jumping to getting mad with the neighbors over this like the coaster isn’t happening is a big leap. We know nothing, and I seriously, seriously doubt Universal would’ve moved forward with this project if there was even a slim risk of the neighbors ruining it all right as they started breaking ground. I think one or two jokes about it not happening because we’re not seeing overt movement coming out of horrible weather isn’t enough to go off of and start assuming the worst has happened.
Yes it is. They clearly don’t want to make any money so we should fire those people and hire people who know what they’re doing and who actually want to make MOAR moneys. If universal knew what they were doing, they would’ve bought all of the houses nearby and build the world’s longest coaster over the neighborhoods. You mean to tell me $50 popcorn buckets isn’t enough to make that happen?