Yeah, that's my biggest gripe. It's amazing what covering a show building completely will do. Now, I know it's not AS practical on the studio tour, like with Kong, but with F&F they can just do a stamped brick work facade on the rest of the building, wouldn't be too difficult....or expensive. I think they should theme the show buildings from any angle it can be seen by guests.
My sorta big gripe is still our Minion Mayhem. Still wish we wouldn't see the show building at all.
And the biggest gripe I have with Universal and it's weird determination to not fully theme it's buildings is with Forbidden Journey. It's an absolutely incredible land that's themed in every square inch, and them there's this very visible and massive beige show building jutting out of the rock work....
It's especially noticeable in the Japanese version. Like....literally just a bit more themeing could cover FJ from within the land.