Any correlation of if the 11pm operations led to the 2pm openings?
If not:
At most/worst we're seeing maintenance downtime of 10pm until 2pm the following day (16hrs down, 8 hrs up w/ intermittent downtime).
At least/best we're seeing maintenance downtime of 11pm until 12pm the following day (13 hrs down, 11 hrs up w/ intermittent downtime).
I actually don't think so. I was just putting something together for a similar discussion with the opening times thus far (along with days w/weather delays at any point):
6/13 - Opened at 8:40 AM (rainy day)
6/14 - Opened at 11:45 AM
6/15 - Opened at 9 AM
6/16 - Opened at 9 AM (rainy day)
6/17 - Opened at noon (rainy day)
-- Delayed Openings begin --
6/18 - Opened at noon (rainy day)
6/19 - Opened at 11 AM (rainy day)
6/20 - Opened at 11:30 AM
6/21 - Opened at 1 PM
6/22 - Opened at 11:30 AM
6/23 - Opened at 11:30 AM
6/24 - Opened at 2 PM
6/25 - Opened at noon
For the sake of your question, the queue was dumped at 11 PM on 6/21 (closed hours prior, but never reopened) and opened fairly normally on the following day.