Halloween at Universal Orlando 2020 | Page 45 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween at Universal Orlando 2020

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Checked out the 2 houses this weekend. FANTASTIC. I have to say.. Tooth Fairy was my favorite by a mile. Felt like a classic Horror Nights house and some decent scares considering the limitations! The team members holding you to allow distancing between scenes also helped with that. It seemed like they basically allowed for the scenes and scares to reset.

I think having the houses open during regular park hours was really enjoyable and I hope Universal sees a future in this going forward... having a handful of houses open early just for HHN ticket holders to help with waits and/or virtual queues for houses, distancing if still necessary or at least some pulsing like mentioned before, and allowing guests to do more instead of squeezing in what they can in the few hours with the insane amount of crowds. The average HHN visitor (not us) only gets like 3 houses in on average so I encourage them to visit now and be able to enjoy 2 great houses with low waits.

Between this, the tribute store, and Skeleton Bar, we really found it worthwhile to pay a visit now as HHN fans wanting a fix. Also, cue me & my friends doing our celebratory "last house of the night" dance after only 2 when it's usually what now... 10? :lol:
Did Brides 5 times today!

Was very proud of myself. Came to the parks today wanting to do Brides, but started second-guessing. This is the curse of wanting to love HHN but also worrying about scares. Then...I met him.


A plush Gill-man! Some of you may know Gill-man as my “monster crush”, and when I saw him at the Toon Lagoon games, I knew I had to have him - so, I bought him. This turned out to be the best $9 I’ve ever spent, as he did a good job putting me at ease as I went through the house, once with a group I melded into, and 4 more times by myself.

Wouldn’t you know it, lots of scareactors love the Gill-man, or at least, my Gill-man! In my first run, for example, the façade Bride made Gill-man “ears” when I held him up, and the final Frankenstein’s Monster would do the same on my last run. Dracula’s Brides liked him quite a bit, too.

This, of course, is to say I’ll be bringing him back with me through November 1st, because I’m pretty sure this thing has talismanic properties.
Did Brides 5 times today!

Was very proud of myself. Came to the parks today wanting to do Brides, but started second-guessing. This is the curse of wanting to love HHN but also worrying about scares. Then...I met him.

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A plush Gill-man! Some of you may know Gill-man as my “monster crush”, and when I saw him at the Toon Lagoon games, I knew I had to have him - so, I bought him. This turned out to be the best $9 I’ve ever spent, as he did a good job putting me at ease as I went through the house, once with a group I melded into, and 4 more times by myself.

Wouldn’t you know it, lots of scareactors love the Gill-man, or at least, my Gill-man! In my first run, for example, the façade Bride made Gill-man “ears” when I held him up, and the final Frankenstein’s Monster would do the same on my last run. Dracula’s Brides liked him quite a bit, too.

This, of course, is to say I’ll be bringing him back with me through November 1st, because I’m pretty sure this thing has talismanic properties.

I miss buying the horror prizes at HHN.
There were definitely more actors in Toothfairy tonight compared to yesterday during the day. It really made a difference!
Noticed this today too,
There was a SA in the first scene that was not there yesterday and the effects in the drain scene were on today and yesterday I didn't see it go off once.
Looks like the rain and gloomy clouds turned away some folk for Sunday. Saturday was pretty busy, with Tooth's line reaching all the way to Monsters Cafe.
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When I left the parks at 230p the booths at the garage were packed, so not sure how it was after I left but even at that time the houses were pretty much walk on.
Went on Saturday and had a great time. It was such a drastic difference from when we went back in June on a Saturday, but we had no issue getting VL for both houses. We were able to go into each one twice throughout the day, and definitely could have gone more if we really tried to. My evening run-through of Brides was so much more dynamic than the afternoon and it was a great way to end the night. I wish I had been able to go on Sunday as well, but we had to drive back home. Sounds like Sunday was a breeze!

The only disappointment was the Stolen Teeth corn (can't recall the exact name)--husband got that and it was a bit of a let-down. Nice to see they themed the food but we vastly preferred the Twisted Tater offerings!
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We are going the weekend of halloween oct31- nov3. Being halloween weekend is this typical the busiest time for HHN? How has the express line been working is it a single use or unlimited? We are staying at RP.
We are going the weekend of halloween oct31- nov3. Being halloween weekend is this typical the busiest time for HHN? How has the express line been working is it a single use or unlimited? We are staying at RP.
Halloween is typically a lighter HHN night, but this isn’t HHN or a typical year. My guess is that it could be pretty crowded, since the Halloween parties/bar-crawls that normally pull a lot of the crowds that night are unlikely to occur.
We are going the weekend of halloween oct31- nov3. Being halloween weekend is this typical the busiest time for HHN? How has the express line been working is it a single use or unlimited? We are staying at RP.
Stayed on site and can confirm that Express was single use on 10/3 & 10/4, so I'm sure it'll stay the same moving forward
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I went yesterday, 10/5, and got there around 12:30pm. The houses stayed stand by all day and never exceed 25 minutes(a cast change stoped the line for a while but after that the line moved quick). Only TF used there soundstage queue once and I most have been one of the last to be in it that dad as I was alone in it and when I went back they weren’t using it. In total I did Brides 4 times and TF 3 times plus other stuff as well as start the scarecrow stalk. Great day!

picture I took of the empty SS queue.
I know that HHN houses typically use an A and B cast to switch out every 45 mins on a typical night. Are there any insiders who can confirm that they've been doing that here as well? Since the houses are open 12 hours a day on weekends, that's a LONG shift for performers. Factor in the time to get makeup applied and removed, I'm amazed the casts haven't dropped dead from exhaustion yet.
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I know that HHN houses typically use an A and B cast to switch out every 45 mins on a typical night. Are there any insiders who can confirm that they've been doing that here as well? Since the houses are open 12 hours a day on weekends, that's a LONG shift for performers. Factor in the time to get makeup applied and removed, I'm amazed the casts haven't dropped dead from exhaustion yet.
I actually think based on what I know there are four casts per day. Two in the morning and then two that come in in around 2.