Hearing about that is what makes me genuinely concerned about the future of original-concept material (mazes and scare zones) in the future of HHN. Obviously there are areas, especially when regarding to foreign cultures, where the creative team has to be careful how characters are executed, but at the same time, the big risk with original materials is if something is deemed controversial, people will trace the line directly to Universal's team. At least with IP mazes and zones, if someone gets offended by a certain element, the blame gets directed towards the copyright owner/original director/writer of whatever movie or TV show it's from. I'm not saying I don't want to see any more original mazes at HHN, but I'm genuinely concerned that this may impact how the creative team may try to execute future HHN attractions, as well as attempt to create more original mazes, and try playing it safe by relying on reusing tired-out IP's (e.g. The Purge, Titans of Terror, etc...).